Five- Draco and Mudbloods

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Before I start the chapter, I'd like to give a huge shoutout to:


@Sophie Heidtmann

Thank you all so much for your votes, comments, and adding this story to your reading lists! I'm glad you're enjoying this story!


On the first day of lessons, Tom was up bright and early. He was hoping to get a chance to talk to Harry, but he didn't see his friend at breakfast.

So Tom went ahead to his first lesson, Transfiguration.

Harry is late. He's never late. Why start now?

The door burst open, and Harry and Ron came sprinting into the classroom.

Ah, so he's late because of Ron.

Professor McGonagall, who'd shapeshifted into a cat, leaped off the desk and resumed her human form.

"Wicked!" Ron said, even though he was about to be in trouble.

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Weasley," Professor McGonagall said in her no-nonsense tone. "Mind telling me why you and Mr. Potter are fifteen minutes late?"

"Er- Well we got lost on the way here," Harry said.

Tom heard the way Harry's voice lowered. He saw how Harry looked down at his black shoes. The flicking of his middle finger and thumb, a nervous tick he'd picked up at an early age.

"Yeah the castle is really big!" Ron added, nodding.

"Oh I see. Well, had you been at breakfast, then you would have been shown the way with the rest of your classmates." Professor McGonagall sighed. "Don't let it happen again."

Harry's head snapped up, and Tom could practically feel his disbelief.

"Yes, Professor," Harry and Ron said.

Then they took their seats. Together.

Tom's grip on his quill tightened.

"Now that you have finished copying down the theory of Transfiguration," Professor McGonagall said, "we will begin the practical part."

She tapped her wand on her desk, and it turned into a pig. Then she tapped it a second time, and it was a desk again.

The class spent the next forty minutes working on transfiguring matches into needles.

Tom had completed the task in the first five minutes. Hermione was second to finish at seven minutes. Harry had turned his match silver by the end of the lesson. And Tom felt smug satisfaction when he saw that Ron's had remained a match.

Tom wanted to sit with Harry in their next class together, Potions, but Ron was there again!

He needs to stop stealing Harry! Why is he so close to him?

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