Two- Fire

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AN: There is a scene that may be triggering to some readers. If you are triggered by abuse, Dear Reader, you can just skip it. (I will have marked where the scene is with ◊•◊•◊•◊•◊•◊.  And I also marked where it ends.)

Harry woke up first. He always did.

Harry had been having a dream about a flying motorbike, and lots of green light.

Harry knew that he wouldn't be able to tell Uncle Vernon or Aunt Petunia about the dream. But there was someone he was able to tell.

"Tom! Tom!" Harry shook his friend awake.

Tom's dark eyes popped open, and he looked around, alert. "What is it?"

"I had this cool dream!" Harry told him excitedly.

Tom sat up, mindful not to hit his head on the low ceiling. "Yeah? What about?"

"I was flying on this motorbike, through the clouds. And then there was a lot of green light everywhere! And then I woke up. But I was flying, Tom!"

Tom smiled at Harry's happy expression. He patted his head, something he'd always done, and said, "I'm glad you had a good dream, Harry."

There was a thundering on the steps above the two ten-year-olds' heads followed by a pounding on the door, and the sound of the latch being unlocked.

"Get up! You need to prepare breakfast!" Came the waspish voice of Aunt Petunia.

"We're up, Aunt Petunia!" Harry called quickly.

Harry and Tom dressed and then left their 'room'. They went to the kitchen at the end of the hall, where Uncle Vernon and Dudley were sitting at the table.

Tom started setting the table, and Harry got started with breakfast.

"BOY! Hurry up with our breakfast!" Vernon shouted at Harry, laying his newspaper down.

Harry jumped at his uncle's loud tone and burned his wrist on the frying pan. Harry dropped the spatula on Petunia's sparkling floor, which made the woman let out a furious shriek.
"MY FLOORS! CLEAN THAT UP! After you've given us breakfast!"

His eyes watering, Harry quickly put the eggs and sausages on plates. Tom was by his side in a flash, inspecting Harry's wrist worriedly.

"You need to rinse it," He told Harry gently.

Harry could feel his uncle's eyes on them. "I'm fine, Tom," Harry said quickly, pulling his arm back.

Tom nodded, and then began wiping up the spill. Harry gave him a grateful smile as he carried the plates to the table.

Harry and Tom sat at the table and waited until the Dursleys had taken their fill. Then they each got one sausage and half of a fried egg.

After breakfast, Vernon went to work. Petunia went upstairs to fold the laundry. Tom cleared the table and started washing the dishes. Harry went out to the backyard to get started on the gardening. And Dudley went up to his room to play.

Harry was mowing the lawn when Dudley came waddling out into the backyard.

"I heard Mum and Dad talking about you," Dudley said loudly over the motor. "Tom's going to be sent away! What're you going to do without your protector, Harry?"

"You're lying!" Harry said. "They need both of us!"

Dudley snickered. "No, we don't."

Dudley shoved Harry onto the grass. He looked around the yard and then smirked.

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