Sixteen- The Mysterious Diary

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Hi all!
It's been a while haha (Realizes it's been a 5 months...) Oops!
Here's the next chapter!!!

The next morning, Vernon paid someone to come and install bars over Tom and Harry's window.
"And if you try to magic your way out of these, then you'll be expelled."

For one week the boys were locked in their room, only being allowed to leave to use the bathroom. Petunia provided them with meals through a cat flap.

Vernon made his presence scarce, which neither boy minded.

At night, when the rest of the house was asleep, Tom would lay there in the dark scheming his revenge against Vernon. Sometimes he'd even surprise himself at the intensity of some of his daydreams.

But the daydreams beat his dreams at night.

He was still dreaming that he was living in that orphanage. And in each one, someone was hurting him. Sometimes he would retaliate, other times he would just let them get away with it.

But in all of them, there was an awful high pitched laughter that left him waking up in a cold sweat.


With only two weeks left until the school year started up again, Petunia knew that her nephews would need to get their school supplies.

So during breakfast, Petunia casually said, "Dudley, we need to get you a new uniform. Harry and Tom, I'll drive you into London this afternoon so you can get new uniforms as well."

Tom cast a nervous glance in Vernon's direction. When the Walrus simply grunted and stabbed his eggs, Tom said, "Thank you, Petunia," and took another bite of his toast, concealing his excitement.

At one o'clock, Petunia drove the three boys into London. Tom and Harry went into the Leaky Cauldron, with the promise that Petunia would pick them up in three hours.

They passed through the brick wall to the bustling magical streets of Diagon Alley, and Tom felt as if he could finally breathe. Wizards and witches were openly using magic, and laughing and shouting with each other- This was what he wished he and Harry could have had over the summer.

"Let's get our robes first," Tom said.

"Alright. But we need to get our money first," Harry reminded him.

"Right. After that then."

They went to the wizarding bank, Gringotts, where they presented their wands to the goblin. After a dizzying rollercoaster-esque ride, they stopped at Harry's vault.

The goblin inserted a key, and Harry filled his money bag quickly before returning to the cart. They pulled up to Tom's vault a few levels below.

Tom walked inside and looked around. There wasn't a lot... There were maybe enough Galleons to support him for a few more years. He was also getting some money from Hogwarts.

Tom took out enough for his new school supplies and for the train ride, and rejoined Harry and the goblin.

The next place Tom and Harry went to, was Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions.

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