Six- Halloween

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As the school year progressed, Tom quickly adjusted to his new routine. Wake up at 7:00. Feed and hang out with Nagini. Be down for breakfast by 8:00. Go to lessons. Sit with Harry at lunch. Try not to kill Ron. More lessons. Must not kill Snape. Dinner. Must not kill Dumbledore. Homework. Explore the castle. Find Nagini. Go to the library. Bedtime.

Hogwarts was filled with excitement on Halloween. Hagrid had placed his enormous pumpkins around the Great Hall and Entrance Hall. Live bats would be at the feast tonight, and the ghosts had something special planned. Tom was quite excited about tonight as well! For some reason, October 31 had always felt special to him. Like it had somehow brought Harry and him together. (Although Tom had never actually told Harry he felt this way.) Tom and Draco spent all day discussing the upcoming feast, and Tom's excitement was genuine.

Even the large amount of homework that Professor Snape assigned to them couldn't dissolve Tom's cheerful attitude.

At six o'clock, the students made their way to the Great Hall, and everyone took their seats. Dumbledore made a short speech (something about it being the first quarter of the school-year, and the Houses getting along), and then the food appeared on the gold plates.

Tom's eyes widened awe, and his mouth watered. Pumpkin, chocolate, and caramel flavored pies; Muffins and cupcakes; Bowls filled with red jello resembling blood; Platters of meatloaf, roasted sweet potatoes, roast beef, chicken drumsticks, and rolls. Cookies shaped liked ghosts, vampires, werewolves, and wizard hats. There were bowls filled with sweets- chocolate frogs, Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Beans, sugar vampire teeth, gummy eyeballs, red and black licorice, and lollipops.

Tom filled his plate with a bit of everything, and began eating the delectable food. He scanned the Gryffindor Table, searching for Harry, but Tom noticed that his messy haired friend wasn't there. Only Ron, who was eating a pumpkin muffin.

"I'll be right back," Tom told Draco. He made his way across the Great Hall to where Ron was sitting.

"Where is Harry?" Tom asked the red head.

Ron stuffed the rest of his muffin in his mouth. He took his time chewing and swallowing, before answering Tom's question. "He said he wasn't feeling up to the feast. I think he went to visit Hedwig."

Tom turned around and quickly left the Great Hall. As he ran to the Owlery, Tom noticed Professor Quirrel coming from the direction of the right hand side of the third floor corridor. But Tom didn't stop to question why the turban-wearing, scaredy-cat Professor was lurking about.

The Owlery was cold and nearly empty since most of the owls were out hunting. The floor was covered in straw and owl droppings. Harry was sitting on a bench petting Hedwig. Tom walked over, and ruffled Harry's messy hair.

"What are you doing up here?" Tom asked.

Harry sniffled and looked up before quickly looking away.

"You're crying."

"I'm not crying," Harry said. He brushed Tom's hand away.

Tom sat down beside Harry, but stayed quiet.

"My mum and dad," Harry said softly after a minute. "Voldemort killed them today."

"Oh..." Tom said. "How do you know?"

"Hagrid told me."

Of course he did! Why in the world would Hagrid tell Harry that?

"So now, I'm not really in a festive mood," Harry said quietly. "But if you want to, you can go back to the feast."

"That's alright," Tom said. "I'd rather be here with you. It's not even that amazing."

"Really?" Harry asked.

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