Fourteen- Truth

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"NO!" Tom shouted as he woke up.

He winced as his body felt like it'd been pounded with a hundred bricks.

He had fallen asleep in the library. It was well after eleven, judging by the starry sky outside. Tom's eyes widened as he realized that Harry must have gone after the Stone.

He bolted out of the library and ran up the staircases to the third floor corridor. He bumped into a sobbing Hermione who was supporting a hurt Ron with the help of a pajama clad Draco.

"WHERE IS HARRY?!" Tom asked, his voice pitching in his anxiety.

"He's st-still down there," Hermione whimpered.

That was when he saw Snape approaching them.

Hermione's eyes widened, and she began spluttering.

"Come with me." Snape ordered. He took Ron into his arms, and strode off in the direction of the Hospital Wing.

Hermione and Draco followed him.

"You too, Riddle!" Snape snapped over his shoulder.

Tom tightened his fists, and followed his Head of House.

When they got to the Hospital Wing, Snape shouted for Madam Pomfrey.
"Poppy! We need help out here!"

Madam Pomfrey came bustling out of her office, straightening her hat. Her eyes widened when she saw who it was. "Quick! Put him on that bed over there. Hermione, come with me dear."

Madam Pomfrey began performing healing spells over Ron and Hermione. Tom paced back and forth anxiously.

Harry should be here!

Tom also felt slightly sick.

It's just stress. Once I see Harry, I'll be alright.

To keep half his mind off of worrying, he rounded on his friends. "What were you thinking?! Letting Harry go in there! I told you it would be dangerous!"

"We were fine up until the end!" Hermione said. "I was coming back with Ron, when I found Draco waiting at the entrance..."

"And why were you at the entrance?!"

Draco stared at Tom, his expression cool. "Because I was going to try to help them if I could. And it's a good thing I went, since you were nowhere to be found."

Tom's nostrils flared, and suddenly he found himself reaching for his wand.

"Enough you two!" Snape said. He forced Tom into a chair, and shoved a cup of tea in his hands.

Just then, the doors to the Hospital Wing opened up, and Dumbledore came in carrying an unconscious Harry. Tom stood up at once and walked to the bed Harry was put in.


Madam Pomfrey began casting more healing spells on Harry.

Tom stared at his best friend, frightened. He hadn't been able to protect him. He'd yelled at him, and those might have been the last words Harry ever heard.

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