Twelve- Irritation and Fights

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Tuesday: Dec 31, 1991

Tom could not get what he'd seen in the mirror out of his head. He knew that Harry was still going to look at it any chance he got, despite Tom's warnings that the mirror was dangerous. As Tom could not bring up any proof of it's danger, other than his own personal feelings, Harry simply promised that he would be careful.

But this morning, the mirror was not the only thing on Tom's mind.

Today, the reason for Tom's foul mood was the fact that there were presents at the foot of his bed. Three presents to be exact.

Tom got out of bed, and looked at them. The smaller one was from Harry, while the other two were from Draco.

Tom let out a resigned sigh, and read Harry's card first.

Happy Birthday Tom!
We're both the same age again!
I could finally buy you a birthday gift! I hope you like it!


The wrapped gift was a thin rectangle. Tom opened it and found a navy blue journal inside. Tom opened it and flipped through the pages, enjoying the smell and look of fresh parchment.

Tom set the gift aside, and opened the bigger one next. Draco had given him a book on Hexes, and a wand polishing set.

Tom smiled softly at the gift.

Tom dressed in his Muggle clothes (a tan jumper and black trousers) and walked out of his dormitory.

In the Common Room, Terrence was waiting for Tom.

"I heard it was your birthday, Riddle. Happy birthday!"

Tom put on a fake smile. "Thank you, Higgs."

As they walked down the corridors in the dungeons, Terrence told Tom about his family. How he was the first child to be born a pure-blooded wizard after four generations, and how his parents were delighted that he was in Slytherin house even though they'd been in Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. He said that there was a lot of responsibility put on his shoulders, and that he had to be the perfect representative of his family.

"But I've nothing to complain about, really!" Terrence said, as they sat down at the Slytherin Table. "I suppose you're feeling pretty lucky right about now. You don't really have to impress anyone."

"Mm, no one at all." A sour taste filled Tom's mouth as he uttered those words. He glanced over where Harry was sitting with Diggory. They were laughing about something- Probably quidditch related.

I know I want Harry and I to remain friends. Is that wrong? It shouldn't be! How is it wrong that I just want him to always be there?

Tom thought of what he'd seen in the mirror. The way the eyes of the older version of him had turned red. The snake coiling around Harry had seemed threatening. But they were both smiling. Or maybe Harry was only pretending to smile? Maybe he didn't like Tom, or in the future he wouldn't.

After breakfast, Tom spent his morning reading the book Draco had given him. There were many defensive and offensive hexes. Some were not even taught at Hogwarts! Tom poured over these spells, feeling like a dormant part of him was coming alive. Nagini was coiled at his feet, listening as Tom explained to her the spells, how they worked, and when to use them.

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