Eighteen- Jealousy

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By the second week of term, Tom had come to the conclusion that Professor Lockhart was a fraud. There was no way this wizard who couldn't even perform a simple immobulus charm to stop the Cornish Pixies from tearing up his classroom, could have saved a village from a Werewolf, or a Banshee.

It was all lies.

However Tom had enough to do without worrying about his poor Professor. He was working twice as hard this year to be top of their Year. He would make Hermione weep once he beat her.

Tom was in Transfiguration class, listening to McGonagall explain the spell used to transfigure animals into water goblets.

"Tap your pet three times and say, Vera Vert!"

Tom looked down at Nagini who was coiled on his desk.

She stared at him, daring him to try.

Tom smirked. He tapped her head three times and said, "Vera Vert!" Nagini shriveled up and with a faint pop! she was a clear water goblet.

McGonagall looked at him with some surprise. "Well done, Riddle! 5 points to Slytherin!"

Tom pasted a rather arrogant smile on his face. At the desk next to his, Hermione was focusing intently at her mouse. "Vera Vert!"

A second later a water goblet stood in place of her mouse. Hermione beamed as she too was awarded House points.

The same could not be said for Ron. There was a squeaking brown cup with a wagging rat tail.

Tom and Draco exchanged a look and snickered.

After Transfiguartion, the Second Years had Herbology next.

On the way there, a short First Year ran up to Harry.

"Hiya Harry!"

"Hullo Colin," came Harry's automatic response.

"Can I get a photo of you?"

Tom stopped short, eyeing them.


Pansy and a couple other students giggled.

"Who's asking for photographs?" A voice boomed.

Harry groaned as Lockhart came out of one of the greenhouses.

Tom watched in disbelief as the professor encouraged Colin to take three pictures of him and Harry.

Once finished, Harry stomped towards the greenhouse, and Tom fell in step with him.

"Can you believe him? Thinking I want to take photos! If anyone else asks-!"

Tom wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "Yes, it's absurd."

They entered the greenhouse and Harry stood in between Ron and Hermione, leaving Tom to stand next with Draco. Several spots down.

Tom glared down at his pot as jealousy flowed within him.

"You alright Tom?" Draco asked noticing his friend's soured mood.

"Fine." Tom muttered.

Professor Sprout seemed to be in just as much a foul mood as Tom. "Alright students! We're going to be repotting our Mandrakes today!Earmuffs on! Be sure that yours are tight, Longbottom! Don't need you fainting again."

Tom snapped his earmuffs over his ears, and grasped the four great leafs of his Mandrake's head. Then he yanked it out of its home and stuck it in a slightly larger pot. The Mandrake shrieked, and Tom quickly added fresh soil to its new home, making it shut up.

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