Thirteen- We're Family

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Tom could feel Harry's eyes burning holes into his skull.

"Harry, what do you want?"

Harry was next to Tom on the couch in the Slytherin Common Room with his knees drawn up to his chest. He'd somehow gotten inside, and had just been sitting and watching Tom read for the past hour.


Tom closed his Transfiguration textbook, and fixed Harry with an even stare. "Are you sure? Because it seems there is something on your mind."

"Maybe I just want to sit here and watch you read?"

"That's not creepy at all..." Tom muttered.

They were quiet for a while longer. Tom stared into the fire, trying to ignore Harry's staring, while also listening his thoughts.

There were many. And they were all jumbling together in one great wave.

A crying boy. Is Tom sad about something? What did Ron say to Draco? Voldemort is out there right now. A blinding flash of green light. Need to protect the Stone. Tom, I'm worried about you.

Harry was the one to break the silence. "Let's go somewhere else and talk."

He peeled himself off of the couch, and looked at Tom expectantly. Tom let out a sigh, and rose as well. He followed Harry out of his Common Room. Lessons were over for the day, so majority of the students were in their Common Rooms passing the time until dinner.

The two friends exited the castle. The frigid air made Tom wish he'd brought along his cloak. Harry was silent during their trek to the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Only once under the cover of the old snow-capped trees did Harry speak his mind.

"Tom, I know there's something bothering you. Is it Ron? He wasn't trying to ruin your Potion, you know."

Tom picked up a handful of snow, thinking how to answer. He knew that Harry would be able to pick up on any lie he told. But he also didn't want to admit it even to himself.

"I'm not upset over the potion," Tom said. "Not much anyway."

He formed the snow into a ball, before using wandless magic to levitate it above his hand.

Ron's words had hurt him more than he liked admitting.

"I don't have a family." Was Tom's response as he let the snowball fly into a tree.

"Yes you do!" Harry said. "We're family, Tom."

Tom let out a laugh; It was a hollow sound. "It's not the same. You were given to your aunt to be raised. Petunia is still a your aunt- your blood. Your parents were these amazing wizard and witch who fought to rid the world of Lord Voldemort. My parents abandoned me, long before we wounded up at the Dursleys'. I wish I could remember your mum and dad- I imagine they really were as amazing as everyone else says they were. I just want to know that I'm really cared for by someone. So what Ron said is true; At least him, you, and Draco all have a family."

Tom stared off into the trees, giving Harry time to think of how to answer. (If there even was an answer.)

Tom still felt Harry didn't realize how lucky he was. He knew his parentage- Heck even his heritage! And he'd seen them all in that godforsaken mirror! There would be no true competition with Harry as long as his desires remained in his heart.

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