chapter 12

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It's been 1month, 2 weeks, 3days, 2nights and 6 hours since the Kim house incident or should we say 'slaughter' happened. There is no news from Taehyung no messages, no calls. Things are going like There was nothing happened a few weeks ago.

Well talking about things, They were never been better before then what we can expect now? Jeongguk's late night clubbings, stays inside of his room, bunking office saga is still on track.

But only one thing can be noticable that he is getting more violent with himself, he always carries a serious aura but surprisingly he stopped to snap at anyone, he became more formal. It's like he has been dealing with some serious issues but he never confronted with anyone.

Mrs. Jeon is getting more then frustrated with passing time. like until when they have to act like some stranger with each other. This is not a home, home is made of love, with care. Nothing can be seen inside of that mansion.

After that day when he left Taehyung's room he never confronted to his parents. what happened inside of that room, all is a mystery for the Jeon parents.

Although Jeongguk can feel the emptiness somewhere into his body but he just shrugged it off by cursing himself over and over.Well all he did was for that boy's wellbeing, then why he should feel guilty to reject that boy , he should be happy right? Then why his heart is feeling pain. What is this? Is he falling too?? No? Not before he get back to his memories!!! But what if he never get them back? Will he have to stay like this forever??? There are a thousand of questions making his inner self rigid.

Time skip:

'Jimin, I swear it definitely has some connection with my past. Like-just think carefully, It can't be just a coincidence to have the same dream thrice in these months right? The same long hair girl,with a red dress, but always her face is blurry.'

Its evening time,Jeongguk and jimin is sitting inside of their Mansion'S mini bar. Jeongguk is eventually telling his only friend Jimin about his past days dreams. Which he finds kinda suspicious.

'Kookie, don't pressurize your brain too much okay, and about your dream.....umm...'s really just a coincidence, you never had any kind of romantic relationship with any girl.'
Jimin replied while crisscrossing his fingers under the table.

Although Jimin wants to tell him everything about his past, But Doctors as well as Mrs. Jeon strictly prohibited him to utter any past happenings, which can give him a trauma. He will eventually get his memories back in a very steady and slow way. So its better to not make any risk with his friend's life.

'From when did you know me?' Jeongguk asked looking deeply into jimin.

(Gulp) jimin is kind of feeling scary to utter any word by looking at Jeongguk's dark aura.


'Where and when we first met, how we started to hang out with each other, How we became friends ? tell me everything, I want to know.'

'H-haa, That's U-umm we met in our high school's freshman party. You were all shy sitting in a corner on that party. Then i thought to approach you.
But with that introduction I was hella shocked because you are a billionaire.' Jimin's eyes are getting bigger while telling the story in a mocking way only to not make Jeongguk panic. Jimin is carefully telling him some of their hostel stories, only because Jeongguk is insisting. Both of them are getting nostalgic with time passes. one is reminiscing the past memories other is looking at him with curious eyes to know more. In between they are taking the taste of a branded whiskey too.

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