chapter 73

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Jeongguk is hella furious. Obviously why not he just got to know about his husband's sudden disappearance. Like how can you sit straight after knowing that your husband got kidnapped from a freaking hospital which have like hundreds of doctors and nurses, plus his own best friend too was present there at that time.

His instant fight with Jinah after getting to know her death disease is not helping his inner turmoil at all. He is getting more furious and blaming her as to Like how dare she even lie about her health of having cancer! How dare she ! For what ? To get sympathy !(as what Jeongguk thought first)
Haish he will talk to her later but not now. If he start any communication with anyone then sure it will end up with a dirty fight.


Came out of his mouth furiously, when he suddenly had to stop his car by the sudden overtake of an another unknown car.

The unknown car suddenly stopped blocking his way.

It's an abandoned place... not so much people can be seen till the end of the way... *what the hell these fuckers are in need...Whoever you are .... so mess up with a wrong one....* thought Jeongguk...

Jeongguk was about to call Jackson in a rush but to stopped by the sight in front of him.

With all glory, looking all handsome and manly Lee Jongsuk came out from the car, he is wearing a very polite and pressed suit and polished shoes. His goggle is making him more hot. cough*

'Wait ! Isn't it???

Jeongguk asked furiously letting himself out of the car.

Jongsuk is just looking at Jeongguk's approaching figure while resting his back over his car... arms are crossed. A sly smile lingering on his face.

With his whole appearance Jeongguk seriously can Sense that, this man is upto something.

'Gritted teeth* I know the very motif of your life is to only irritate me Jongshit! But no.. not now.. I am in a hurry... if you-

'Oh I am here to surprise you by my handsome appearance Mr.Jeon Jeongcock (smile*), how was the surprise!!!'

Jongsuk said smirking while interrupting the other.

'If this is any kind of joke, you are throwing! Then congrats, you are indeed looking like a Joker. Now get the fuck away.'

'Oops my heart!!!! Aaahhh...'
Jongsuk acted like crying while clutching his heart really hard.

Jeongguk is now getting too irritated with the others dumb acting. He has been in a hurry to find his husband's whereabouts but noo, every possible morons has to come to his way, very bad.

'Gritted teeth* before I do something unusual, get the fuck away from my Way."
With a very hasty threatened Jeongguk walked towards his car. He would definitely love to start a verbalize fight with this Man, but the time is not now. Not at all.

'Waeee? Are you feeling kind of shy infront of me baby???'

Jongsuk teased with a sly smirk, but no avail to Jeongguk, who is too busy to reach his car rushly. He can't just waste his time with this moron right? He was about to open his car door but only to stop by-

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