chapter 34

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'I knew it mom... there had been always something which was hidden.........I didn't expect this from you misguided me...well.... congrats...'

'Please don't talk too much bunny....'

'You guys played well with me....a serious matter like this was being in dark ....only because I am not capable of do you have any idea of its consequences.. '

'Kook Doctors were prohibited us from telling you anything about your past thing which can make you stress.'

'Then why did you married me off- Tae.....How is he Mom? FREAKING IS HE OKAY....ouch*?

'KOOK....PLEASE ...calm..down please you are not that stable -


'YES...yes...he is okay... he got only some scratches nothing much.. please don't worry... '

Is everything okay here??'

A doctor comes in with a worried face

'Y-es um..Doctor...'
Mrs. Jeon says while drying her tear coated cheeks. Jeongguk just scoffs and turns his head towards the wall.

'Okay if you say so... and Jeon please don't shout.. it will definitely give you headache. '
With that the doctor left the room....

'Kook we will talk later oka-'

'I want her.'


'I want to see Jinah and my baby right now.'

'Kook she left alre-'

'That is why I want her to ask...... freaking why did she left me?? At that moment when I needed her the most. Is it really easy to leave me at my worst? Mom?'
Single tear drop comes out from his eyes...

'Please bunny don't cry... I am sorry...your momma is a bad mother in this world....bunny I gave her money to leave us...'


'But please hear me out.... I never forced her.. I was just so caught up with the moment...I was so broken after your accident... I could only think that this is only because of her ... if she didn't sent you to the office that day maybe...-'

'Mom Do you even hearing yourself?? Really?'

'I know I know.. that was so stupid thing a mother could ever do...
But trust me I never forced her...I never knew that she would leave easily...... I was kind of happy though-'

'Mom I never loved her because she always wanted to live in America after marriage...and start her own business
..... but mom don't you believe your son ... are you that scared of her that she will apart me from you guys or take me far away....hmm?you had only this much faith on me??
mom do you think I would ever like ever can leave you here alone Hmm?'

'I ..I..sniff* I was scared sniff* bun..I would rather sniff* die then to live sniff* without you....moreover kook i never saw you being yourself with her..sniff*...... its been always she ordering you or more like dominating you... a relationship never works like that..sniff* ...the things should be on balance.... mutual.'

'Mom...come here...'
Jeongguk says while pointing his hand to sit beside him.

'Please forgive your Mommy bun.. your Mommy never been through any proper education whatever I learnt ....... by only experiences, I always wanted a family a home...never wanted a materialistic life.... I feel suffocated....i know i did so wrong...but I never feel the homely feeling with her... I always wanted someone for you who can give you their only heart without expecting more in return....
I can see myself in him... same innocence same consequences..
And don't worry......
I will apologize to her.... but please before taking any decision think about Taehyung....he will get hurt...'

' you think after knowing the truth that his own husband has a baby with another woman ....will he take it smoothly? Mom...we did so wrong.....we played with their emotions....
Seokjin Hyung has his breath within Tae.... what will You say now.... what you did Hmm???
How much my Tae will suffer within???'

Jeongguk is crying while clutching his chest...
Whereas mrs. Jeon has no energy to even console his son...
Did she really make a mistake by marrying them off..

'I am lost... mom...what you did was loyal but not legal ...... side I have responsibilities towards my hicc* child another side Tae,who can't even breath hicc* without my presence....I am Trapped hicc* mom....'

'I am sorry....'
Mrs.Jeon says Whispering....



'I want a proper conversation with everyone to clear everything... please Bring Jinah....I...I  ...want to see my baby ...h-ow can she...d-o this to me???I lo-ved her mom...she didn't thi-nk tw-ice before leaving......'

'Kook don't tell me, you still....?'
Mrs. Jeon is in utter scared now...she is starting to sweat...

'Never mom...chukle* whatever you are scared of , just don'* yes I loved Jinah may be i still do somewhere.... but Jeon Taehyung is my everything now...i will rather die to even think of leaving him....'

Oh how much this feels good only Mrs. Jeon can tell you....

'I am so so finally choose to hear your heart....kook I am so proud of you....'

'But mom.....things are not solved here.... what you did you must fave the consequences and take the responsibilities.... just pray that Seokjin Hyung will forgive us... otherwise I will never live without Tae....'

Yes... it's TRUE.. they have a long conversation yet have a make....(sigh)**

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