chapter 29

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'Kuku, It's huge not gonna fit.'

'Hah..Its ok bub, your Kuku will make it fit.'


The youngest Jeon couple is trying to fit a water bottle to Taehyung's mini bag, which is already filled with his essentials.

Oh wait let me tell you The stubborn Taehyung will also go to office with his Kuku. That's why these much preparations has been going on inside their room. The boss Jeongguk itself has not that much of a thing to carry there but his baby has a lot.

Although Jeongguk thought to bunk his works for Today because the last night his baby caught high fever out of crying a lot. Jeongguk had to stay up all night to only check his baby time to time and to stabilize his temperature by putting wet clothes.

Taehyung's fever has gone now, but he has no mood to leave him but an important meeting came up That's why he thought to make his office only for 2 or 3 hours.

But when he was about to leave:

Back to 20 minutes:

Mom,make sure he eat, make him bath-'


Jeongguk's immediately turn towards the voice.
There stands his sleepy baby with a mini bag.

There stands his sleepy baby with a mini bag

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'You were again gonna leave me right?'

'Baby why you here? Come here.'

Taehyung immediately place the bag to the floor and walks towards his hubby and got up to his arm.

'Baby why did you wake, you literally didn't sleep last night out of fever. You need to rest bub.'

'You didn't sleep too Kuku. But now leaving me.'( pout)

'Bub, an important meeting come up I will be back soon okay?'

Mr. And mrs. Jeon just face palmed. Because they can't with these two.

'Anii, I will go with you too.'

'Bub, I will take only 2 hours I promise.'

Taehyung said shouting and crying.

'Baby please try to understand-'

'Kook let's take him with us.'
Mr.Jeon said.

'No dad, there are medias all over .. I can't risk anything.'

'Nooooo... I will be a good boy I promise. I will only stay with you.'
Taehyung said sobbing.

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