chapter 27

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'Kuku look phewwwwwwww....phewwwww..'

Taehyung said while flying his paper plane with his hands all over the house.

'Kuku you not looking....(pout) phewwwww look kuku phewww....'

'Tae baby, I am doing great.....
Oh wait a minute ok.. let me check if we left anything anywhere. '

'Ok kuku I am also coming let's gooo, phewwwww.' He runs with a paper plan.

This is TAEKOOK's last day in Bali. They indeed made many beautiful memories here. But things don't stay the same forever right? They have to return to their own home.
Over that Jeongguk is even planning to join his office again plus they needs press conference because there are a lot rumors spreading all over the country about his marriage, he have to fix everything.

That's why Jeongguk is now packing their cloths whereas Taehyung is making paper planes and flying all over the house.


'Baby, slowly you will fall....aishhh this boy...'


Taekook couple is inside of the VIP section of the flight,waiting for their departure. Taehyung is on Jeongguk's lap . He is so sleepy because of running here and there.
But he is not sleeping out of fear what if his Kuku leave him?

'Kuku ... you will not leave me here right?'
Jeongguk got literally shocked by his sudden question. He placed the phone he has been scrolling to the side table and diverted his attention towards the sleepy boy.

'Baby why you think I will leave you here Hmm?'

'Because Taetae was a bad boy and hurt that bish girl.'

'Baby oh God.... listen I am so proud of you that you hurt that girl.'

'Jinjaa,, you will not leave me now?'

'Not now, not later,never ever.'
Jeongguk said while giving a pack on his lips.

'Kuku, if one day any beautiful girl comes to you and ask to marry you would you leave me?'

'Umm.. I think yes,'

Taehyung's eyes got watery after hearing that he was about to burst but then-

'I will leave your side only to go to her and reject her offer politely. If she still try to pick a stunt then she is yours, you can do whatever you '

Taehyung said punching his chest.

'Ok ok it's your turn..tell me what will you do if some bish girl like we met in Bali tries to take me away from you?'

'Ummmmmm... I will make her realise that you are mine kuku. And she will leave. Yeee I am so smart...'

'No one can apart us Kuku don't worry.'
Jeongguk is just looking at him so fondly but suddenly a question arises to his brain. It's like his heart more wants to hear the answer then his brain....

'Baby,tae, what will you do if i myself choose her over you?'

Taehyung is in deep thought now whereas Jeongguk's heart beats are getting faster with passing time he don't know himself why he suddenly ask hell he even don't know where did this question formed.

' I will have to leave you Kuku simple.'

'Wh-att? Baby is it that simple to leave me?'

'Aniiii, Kuku, never for me, but For you,Choosing her means giving your heart to her...My Jini says  HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS, where there is no heart there is no home. But don't worry Kuku.. I will never choose anyone besides you. It's a promise, where there will Kuku there will be Taetae too.'

Ouch.. Jeongguk doesn't know himself  why Taehyung's words are stabbing him like a thousand knives.

"Awww my baby."

"Awww my kuku. Giggle*"

"We are binded by love now. No one can separate us baby."

"Not even you kuku?"

"Hell I won't dare."

"Giggle* I won't dare myself."

"Awwww baby."

"Awwww kuku."

"I love you."

"I love you more Kuku."

"Awwwwwwww baby."

"Awwwwwwwwww kuku. Giggle*"

"Now sleep comfortably baby."

"I will kuku. You are my comfortable bed anyway. Giggle*"

"Awwwwww baby."

"Yaaaaaahhhhh. Shut up."



"Awwwww baby."

"Kuku I am sleepy."( Whine)

"Awwwww bab-


"Okok sleep mah baby."

"Awwwww my Kuku."

"I will eat you up."

"Blah blah blah blah."



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