chapter 22

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Time skip to 3 weeks later:

Yes,The day has finally come, to which everyone has been waiting. Cough* cough* me too. The day for which the Jeon couples has been dreaming from years like every other parents do for their growing up children, is indeed has come,
And yes yes, you guessed it right.
Its TAEKOOK's MARRIAGE the very next day.

Every single living being in The Jeon Mansion is busy engaging in several works that, they even don't have any time to breath properly. And obviously it is their young master's marriage, they have responsibilities to forward the ceremony without any difficulties of the guests.
The marriage is gonna be grand. Everywhere social media is flooding with comments, news reporters are even making fake news using any other model as the bride.
Because the bride is still hidden.
Everyone is waiting for tomorrow to just get a glimpse of that Luckiest girl, who is gonna be Jeongguk's bride.

Gardeners are running here and there decorating every single corner of the ground. Because Mrs. Jeon strictly instructed them to make it perfect, it's just her soon to be son in law is most attached with green things and flowers.

 Jeon strictly instructed them to make it perfect, it's just her soon to be son in law is most attached with green things and flowers

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Talking about flower. Mrs.Jeon herself planted a thousands of flowers in their backyard by herself only for Tae. She is very busy nowadays planting and watering the flower plants. She hardly even getting time to herself.

 She hardly even getting time to herself

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Even if now, you see closely... you will definitely find her in the Garden watering the plants. But she is not alone.....

'Still this is wrong Aunty, so so wrong. What you are doing is giving me goosebumps only by thinking it's consequences.'

This is Park Jimin engaging with a serious argument with Mrs.Jeon.

This is not that Jimin is not happy to have the news, no to be precise he is so happy for Jeongguk that he finally choose to moving on from his obstacle  which has been handicap to his happiness. But what about the consequence, the truth from which he has been keeping in dark?

At first he was so scared to talk about  this with mrs.jeon but now its although too late, he don't wanna regret later by thinking why he didn't do it before. That's why he is here trying to make everything clear with Mrs. Jeon.

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