chapter 62

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Mr. Jeon before that I tell you something you must know one thing that the Hospital authorities are planning to send him to a lunatic asylum. If you really wanna take your husband then hurry your procedures.... but I don't think police will leave him easily...he should get his mental-

'What the hell... my Tae is not mental... why the hell-

'Sir can you please not snap at everything... the patient is feeling uncomfortable...

The nurse said pointing at Tae who is curling to a ball... after hearing the shout...

Looking at Tae, Jeongguk immediately about to go to him..but to stop by the nurse

'Don't touch him sir... he will shout, if someone hears this again they will give him sleeping injection. Sigh*'

'Why? Why this is happening? He was happy... and everything...why why... .why he can't live a simple life... fuck.. '

Jeongguk cried while pulling his hair

'(Eye roll) At least he is safe not a man and hear me out what I am gonna say...more on... you can't expect any normal thing in an abnormal circumstances...right?'

The nurse said while shrugging her shoulders.

'Why you guys are so heartless.... can't you see he is hurting, we are hurting....?'

'Well I've 9 years of experience here mr.jeon... I've quite closed all the door of my emotions over anything,'

'Then why you are here.... telling me everything, don't you know if I say this to the authority, they will kick you out from here?'

'Ahahahaha...well will they??? I don't care anyway .... and most on I helping you because
this boy, whom you call husband.. has something else, he is so much fragile... sometimes I feel like he mistakenly born in a Male body.... he deserves protection...poor one cared for him in this hospital..'

'Wh-at?(Gritted teeth)'

'There's more will faint..
So men up before.... '

'What do you think why out of all the hospitals your husband is here... obviously this hospital much have something different or more like bitter treatment records...'



'Sigh* he cried cried and cried but there was no one to console him.....not even me....we everyone just ignored his shouts, his cries saying he want to go home....but alas, heartless people like us didn't spare a second to even listen to his story....'

'He was senseless for first 3 days... after that he has been crying, only crying sometimes he shouted someone's name like Jini or mini something....but we didn't give much interest on it...'

he didn't eat anything at all in those days.. always says his Kuku will come and feed him, I don't know who the hell is the Kuku... but just thought to not give importance on the Kuku thing and give him protein injection instead...


'Then a relative girl came, she gave us money, as a greedy Doctors we are, then thought to treat him.. we started our treatment....
He has been suffering from schizophrenia.... it causes dizziness, hallucination, forgets everything....'

'Although He seems normal, but his blood has drug.... the first operation didn't succeed, because the drug he got provided is rare and powerful...I don't get the logic like why it didn't went well ....well who will want to know more...(eye roll) what happened just happened....'

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