chapter 43🔞

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'Whooooo then wat hapn Tata?'

'Scoff* Then your Tata himself had to go infront of that ugly monster to safe the baby and you won't believe we fought for 10 hours......'

Both minions are sleeping or more like cuddling now. Little one is listening to Taehyung's True story of his life, at least Jisung thinks so.

'Whooooooaaa... tueee???(true)

'Yaaahhh squirrel   ..  you don't believe me? Do you think I am lying. '

'Aniiii I tuth you awe the beth......hug me mowe....'

'Okay (eyeroll) only because you said I am the best otherwise I don't have interest in hugging you....'

'Kikikiki..otay Tata...'


'Otay Tata(gulp) awe the Beth Tata.'

'(Melt again) okay come closer more...(eye roll)'

The boy snuggles more to the other.

'Then wat happen Tata?'

'Oh then we were fighting.......
...dhisumm dhisummm... we were fighting like two beasts... he was punching my face dhisuummm... I was punching back dhisuummm....then phewwwww he lost the battle .... hahhaha.. and said I am sorry ....Taehyung... you are the world's best fighter... I lost to you.. from now on I will be your slave. And then he gave me the baby........wait-YAAAAHHHHHH YOU BEATLE HOW DARE YOU SLEEP....I AM RIGHT YOU WILL ALWAYS BE A CRACKHEAD HALF TICKET....huff*'

but the baby is far more away from Taehyung's reach now.. he is also fighting with a monster in his dreamland.

'Tsh tsh tsh... idiot .... you are a crackhead cracker you should know that .... I will set fire in your ass and let you fly over the sky like a rocket kikikikiiikikikiii....'

Taehyung is blabbering while caressing his face. His eyes are also giving up and then finally they both are in their dreamland.


After finishing some important file Jeongguk comes to his room massaging his neck... it's in pain  out of working more ....and more on he now needs his baby......

After entering the room his face suddenly lit up getting the view.

Both the minions are sleeping while hugging each other tightly.

With a soft chukle Jeongguk smoothly and silently walks towards them and try to retreat each other but to find them hugging each other even more tightly.

Tsh tsh tsh....

After like thousands of trials Jeongguk  finally carries Jisung and walks towards Jinah's room. Well he has no problem with his baby Jisung to sleep with them but Jinah maybe can feel lonely...and more on he has other plans for tonight cough* cough*

(Yaaahhh I am just coughing* don't think too much )

'Hey...omg did he disturbed you?'
Jinah aaked worryingly.

'Jinah he is my son too.. don't forgot...'

With that he enters her room without even asking and softly make Jisung sleep on the bed with a small pack on his forehead.

'Aa-b I am sorry.. I was ju-'

'Its okay Jinah (smile*) he didn't eat dinner please make him eat when he wakes up midnight.

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