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The movie was called Ghosted. I had been wanting to watch this movie for a little while, but I never would have guessed that I would watch it with anyone, especially with Tadashi.

The movie was about a group of 7 people around the ages of sixteen and seventeen. One of them, the most main of the characters, kept leading people on, then ghosting them. "...a person they tempted on was from another lifetime," the description said, or something, I only skimmed.

a/n: ok i just made that up on the spot but like someone call netflix and get me a job lol

I sat against the headboard. Tadashi sat next to me, touching just a little. He pressed play on the movie.

: : : : : : :

The movie started getting a little intense. The main characters started getting mad at the person who caused this, and the music made it suspenseful. I glanced over at Tadashi, who was shaking slightly from fear of anticipation. I knew he wouldn't like the movie.

"Are you okay?" I smiled.

He quickly jerked his head over to me. "U-uh, y-yeah, I'm fine," he fake smiled. As suspected, there was a jumpscare. Tadashi jumped at the sudden movement on the TV, getting closer to me.

Quickly following that, a lot of gory shit happened. Tadashi turned his head towards me and squeezed his eyes shut.

"Are you sure you want to finish this movie?" I offered.

"Y-yeah, it's fine, just the blood is, uh, a little gross, you know?"

"The blood, and the jumpscares, and every mention of a ghost? And of course, can't forget, every time somebody moves or talks," I teased. "Terrifying."

He pushed me playfully. "Shut up, it's just that, I don't know what'll happen next!"

"Okay, neither do I."

"Well, yeah, but you watch more scary movies than I do. You can make more accurate predictions, you're more experienced in this field."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Okay, now shush, it's getting good."

Tadashi rested his head on my shoulder. As the rising action of the movie played, he grew closer to me, until his hands were crossed around me. He would squeeze every time anything happened. I had my hand on his back. I hoped his dad wouldn't need us. Ugh, he was annoying. He didn't usually get back till late at night.

"You know nothing is going to come out of the TV and haunt you, right?"

"It's just scary..."

"Yeah, it's making me wonder if maybe you only chose this movie so you could do this."

"N-no, that's not why, I just know you like scary movies... I want to make sure we do things that you like."

"We do things I like all the time. Ah, whatever, we'll talk about it later."

The climax of the movie seemed to be approaching. Tadashi sat up next to me again but shoved his face in my shoulder. I nudged him off of me.

"Watch the movie, it's not that bad."

He grabbed onto my arm like a child and wrapped his body around it. He was hugging my upper arm, and his knees were touching my elbow. As the time went on, I started paying attention to where my hand was. It was touching his upper thigh. Should I move it? But that'd be weird. He put my hand there. But it's in a weird spot. As I was thinking, my hand twitched. Fuck. Why did that happen? Why couldn't my hand stay still?!

I pretended like it didn't happen. He probably didn't notice, right? Yeah, right. Just watch the movie.

The door handle shook once, then there was a couple knocks. I grabbed the remote as Tadashi went to turn on the light and open the door.

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