• 5 • rendez-vous des yeux

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"May I know who is Kim Park Y/N?"

You stop. Dead. Words ringing in your ears, like they belonged from somewhere else.

It felt like your body fell down. So many thoughts loom and press down over you. For a moment you felt like you had been caught. Caught for what you did last night. He spoke the name with such fine articulateness. A crispiness around it which showed how resolved he was to find the person.

Your heart beat drops, then picks up a heavy pace. Banging against your chest. It beats so fast you feel the veins in your head will explode.

The entire class looks back to you, some confused while others somewhat shocked that the new sexy teacher called you out. From all the people in the class. You just wish they would look ahead and not stare at you like that.

Your eyes stay casted down, but panic surges high through you. You want to change your name, you can't face this guy. It's just a question that will take a simple answer but the implications it draws are unbelievable for you.

His stare is so hard, it makes you uncomfortable. How to look at your teacher after you touched yourself thinking about him?

You think you might break with the immense power his gaze holds. His eyes sharpens around the class and he makes them fall on you.

Looking down would seem childish at this point, since you didn't even answer his question. So, you look up with your chest lifting and falling softly. Your classmates and him all looking at you makes you extra self conscious.

Your fingers fidget lightly. As you make your flushed face look forward, to meet your teachers intimidating eyes. Collapsing into a time scape to travel through the wonders his eyes hold, so inky yet clear. You gulp.

"I-its m-me, s-sir.." You look down again, not being able to look straight into his eyes. Speaking up was the hardest part, you felt like you had been exposed in front of everybody. Since everyone was looking at you, even the people you thought didn't know you exist.

His hands were crossed on his chest giving him that macho look. His tattooed hand bulged as it was pressed against the other one. His eyes sparked intrest.

" Y/N. Can you please tell me what was the topic given for the assignment you submitted yesterday?" He speaks his words directly aimed at you. His gaze is so dark, you just can't take this. His lips that seem to be held in a smirk of inquisition, dawns so hard upon you.

You feel you might have orgasms in some minutes if he doesn't stop seeing you this way. If forgetting how to think is possible, then you have forgot how to think.

Your fingers fidget more rapidly under the desk. The redness on your face grows and today every one is in rapt attention to see it.

"Um..hap-happiness." That seemed more like a question than an answer.

You put quite some thought into your canvas. If he says he didn't like it, from all the canvases he must have graded yesterday. You will feel like a failure, especially after you taking this class so seriously.

He whirls around from his position to take out the canvas he bought and keeps it on his easel stand. It's your canvas. And was now on show for everyone to see. You look down again, closing your eyes. Your heart still hammering.

Your classmates judging your art was the last thing you wanted. Plus, you didn't want to be scolded. As far as you know, art isn't defined, he can't scold you for your work.

He turns around to look at the class. His shirt now exposing his collar bone with the one button that's undone. He goes back to his position, his hips now slightly perched on the desk behind him.

𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐈𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐝 ● 𝐉𝐉𝐊Where stories live. Discover now