• 15 • la chatte

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I hurried the noisy bunch of kids out before pulling the door shut, some chattered while others continued looking at me. In the most natural way, the kids rushed outside the confines of the school walls, out in the chirping garden, when I informed them where we would be carrying out our lesson today.

A light chuckle leaves my throat, all of their faces lit-up alike to the bright sky we found when we gazed above. I halt my steps as the kids look at me more expectantly than before, their eyes dripping in awe and determination.

Some teachers did discuss this with me, I felt this, myself, too, all the kids taking arts have really been giving some time to it. Not out of compulsion but genuine interest. My eyes scan over the group of junior high schoolers who are buzzing with enthusiasm. Why not do something fun and real? Exhilarating?

"So, I presume, you guys would like working here?"

Affirmative shouts are sent my way, the kids clutching their sketchbooks and bags against their bodies as their faces marvel into the greenery. Nature is the best inspiration. Poets, authors, artists, musicians are all nature-enthusiasts. I remember my colleagues joking in college about how all people we studied about were 'nature sluts'.

"I want you all to find something, something to which you feel connected. Something that binds your heart in emotions, don't lag about chattering. This might actually help you in understanding a lot about yourself. I know this might feel stupid, and I may sound like a total idiot but try to reach within yourself and touch your true self through nature," I explain calmly, the party gazing at me in some understanding. It's something so important, knowing yourself before expressing.

"If you feel sad, take a colour that responds to your sadness. If you feel anxious, take a colour which responds to your anxiousness. Angry strokes would be bold and harsh, peaceful strokes can be subtle and light. Now, think for yourself while doing this, don't copy what I just told. I'm looking for abstract, totally unstructured works. All raw emotions."

The last bit of air left my mouth as I completed. My hand motioned them to go about and explore in the garden, have their own time. Most of the kids scattered away, going off in different directions. Leaving two girls still standing behind.

"May I help you?" I creased my eyebrows.

"Sir, can you please explain again?" One girl elbowed the other, the latter flinching in startlement.

"Yeah, sure," I explained them again, a little deeply so they get it in one go. One of them kept staring at me like a statue while other's cheeks had coloured up gradually. "Understood?"

Both the girls became really red and watched me cluelessly, one of them finally blinking her eyes. They mumbled something between them, elbowing the other while doing so. Something clicked into understanding and both of them snapped their heads back.

"We'll manage," she gave a fake, nervous laugh, pushing her friend along.

My lips flourish a smirk as she pushes her friend further, I call out to her, "I would appreciate you focusing on my assignment and not me, dear."

Her eyes become saucer-wide and the other one covers herself up behind her. I leave the girls to themselves, turning around and cracking a laugh. Youngsters.

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