• 30 • nous oublierons

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[Warning: Smoking is injurious to health, it is not condoned.]


"So...you're basically telling me Mrs. Kim had a 'death calling' and threw nearly everything out?" Yoongi summarised utter bullshit.

When they had called Namjoon's mother to retrieve Jungkook's mother's phone number, they found out that Mrs. Kim had a weird ghastly epiphany about dying soon. In a frenzy, she had thrown out or donated all the belongings she didn't need anymore, which included the old-school diary full of phone numbers people used to keep in the 90's. There wasn't even a trace of that diary or the phone number anymore.

Joon sighed. "Mom's been getting edgier as she grows old. I offered her to live near us but she can't let go of the old condo dad left her. I didn't know she was discarding away everything." His palm was resting on his eyes as he said this. Tracking Jungkook down was a pain in the ass.

"Do we know where they live in Seo-"

Jin got cut off as the main door creaked open. Fast foot steps thumped on the wood floor.

"Jimin. Means Y/N's back too. We lost track of time," he predicted and looked at the both the men before him in panic. The running meant his son had a good day at school and was rushing to tell him about it.

"Mommy! Mommy! Guess what?" he squealed and darted into the kitchen like a mischievous menace, his school socks sliding against the polished wooden floor. "I'm invited to a birthday party!" His little arms instantly threw themselves around Jin's neck, who had bent down to take him on his lap. He sat his tiny body there and animatedly looked at his motherly figure. "Can I go? Please, please?"

"Calm down, Chim. Drink water and look, we have a guest over." Jin pointed at the principal sitting there with a small smile.

Jimin's smile fell as soon as he saw that the school's principal was in his home. "What's Mr. Min doing in our house? Why's dad at home?" he asked, looking at Jin again.

"Baby, we need to discuss something. Greet him nicely. C'mon."

His lil boy went ahead to bow to Yoongi when you stepped into the kitchen. Your hood covering your entire head, he couldn't see even a tiny bit of your face. The rest was concealed by hair, your face hung low. Fishy. His eyebrows dipped in with concern and he signaled Joon towards you. You were loading a new batch of water from the tap. Your back faced them so you didn't see what was happening.

"Y/N, sweets..."

You tipped your head in return.

"We have, um, Yoongi over. You'll like to come here to hear this," Joon said with much difficulty, thinking his daughter still didn't know why her favourite teacher had abruptly left the school.

Your working fingers stopped, your father noticed the definite tremble in them. As you slowly turned, he saw your face. Battered, red and stroked with tear lines. A strong jab punchered through his heart. Your eyes stayed casted down, which made the gathered water in your eyes sparkle. What he saw was cruel. Cruel of humanity, to do this to someone's heart, much less his very own lovely daughter. His daughter was such a beam of joy and sunshine, sparkled up the house with her cheers and bubbliness. Today, she was trapped in a shell.

"S-Sweets, what happened? Are you okay?"

"Mhm," you meekly voiced, your voice fragile with a new fresh heartbreak.

Namjoon came ahead, to cover you up from anyone's view with his giant stature. "No, you're not. Don't lie-"

"Taehyung to-told me...what hap-happened," you mumbled, "It's fine, really. Not like there was any other choice. Like talking to me, of-of course."

𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐈𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐝 ● 𝐉𝐉𝐊Where stories live. Discover now