• 14 • mon ami?

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"No, no. I think it's about the guy that came to the studio last night."

Jimin casually chimes in while making his way into the room with his authentic carefree stance. His hair doing their own thing while he does a little twirly dance routine going near the bed and falling onto it. His hands outstretched in rhythmic jubilation.

The apparently joyful guy completely unaware of the great misery that befell you. Or.. he is aware, he's just happy that you're getting a real nice talk down today.

He's evil. His little cute fingers are evil. His little cute chipped tooth which I'm going to break is evil.


I'll chew that little pesty jamless bij between my teeth-

You take a deep breath. He had pushed you into a sleeping giant's belly.

Jin had opened his eyes and his nose crunches, trying to understand which guy Jimin is talking about. Joon still sits there, as stoic and blank as before.

Before that bitc- your brother starts getting more into your business, you try to speak something. Something. Anything.

Gotta deny facts. Then run out of this room. Reminder: carry Jimin's body along.

"That, Jimin, was the delivery guy. He came to the wrong address, I showed him the right one. Now, are you f- are you done getting your nose into my things?" You had your teeth gritted, you signalled him with a smooth scary look to keep his mouth shut.

Finally, Joon speaks up.
"Pal, how do you know about this?"

Exactly! Thank you, for once!

Jimin just shrugs, his fingers playing with the mattress. "I was looking out of the window, couldn't sleep... I thought you knew about this dad, he didn't look like a delivery guy."

He adds more oil to an already fiery and risky situation, he gives you a light eye smile before looking down and playing with his fingers. Evil- you want to scream.

"Well, he was. Joon now if you please excuse us, I need to talk with Jimin." You don't give Namjoon time to catch everything that happens next.

You fling Jimin on your shoulders, he screams like a mad girl trying to get free but before he starts kicking his legs into your stomach, you make a very haphazard exit.

Jin and Joon blink as the door closes with a slam and then look at each other. "Must be sibling stuff."

"Yeah." Jin gives a pretty smooch to Joon, making him smile and then cuddles him closer.


You drop Jimin on the floor in his room. He looks up at you with bambi eyes, trying to attract sympathy.

It spites you even more, he already saw it coming. Being the bigger person here didn't really matter, you both were very childish when it came to these kinds of things.

Both of you lunge at each other, him pulling your hair and scratching your arms while you are trying to punch his stomach.

After getting some harsh, red scratches and even hard blows on your body, you push him away.

𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐈𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐝 ● 𝐉𝐉𝐊Where stories live. Discover now