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"Do I really have to go?" Jenny asked her parents.

"It's the only way to protect you and everyone you love, we have no idea what these metas are capable of," Barry sighed, hugging his daughter.

Jenny sighed, knowing her father would do anything to protect her. The only problem with that, was she didn't get a choice most of the time.

"You called the Kents? They were okay with this?" Jenny asked Iris.

"Lois said they'd be happy to have you," Iris gave her daughter a hug.

"You know, I'm not sure how long I'll be gone, Iris. I just want to let you know, I appreciate you considering me your daughter,"

"Well your Barry's daughter, which make you my daughter...I love you,"

"I love you too,"


Barry quickly sped to the Kent family farm, considering they were staying there for awhile.

"Barry!" Clark called out from the porch of the house.

"It's good to see you," Barry sped to the porch and gave Clark a hug.

"I wish it was on different terms, I'm
sorry you're going through this, Jen," Clark put a hand on her shoulder.

"I'll be fine, but thank you Clark," Jen smiled.


Once Barry Left, Jen was introduced to Clark's children. Jen was in shock seeing them, considering before Crisis, Jon was just a baby and Jordan didn't even exist.

"Jenny will be staying with us for some time, so get to know each other," Lois said.

"Just while we're here in Smallville?" Jon asked.

"Wherever we go, Jenny will follow until further notice," Clark replied.

"Now, be on your best behavior...we'll be back soon," Lois and Clark left the house.

Jen stood awkwardly in the kitchen, not knowing what to say. It was weird seeing a teenager, who you once held as a baby a little over a year ago.

"So, Jenny...Jenny what?" Jordan asked.

"Jenny Allen," Jen took a seat at the table.

"Why are you here, Jenny?" Jon asked.

"I'm being hunted by a meta, he wants me dead,"

"Seriously?" Jordan asked.

"Yep," Jen tapped her fingers.


Jenny sat at the kitchen table and continued to be silent. The boys had gone off to do their own thing, so she was left alone in the house.

"Cause you keep a freakin alien ship in there!" Jenny heard Jordan yell from outside.

"Look, I can explain," Clark said.

Jenny watched the scene unfold, including Clark revealing his powers to his kids. It was too long after that, that Jordan and Jon stormed off.

"Jenny! You wanna go with us?" She heard Jon yell.

Stepping out of the house, Jenny gave Clark and sympathetic look and followed the boys.

"I can't believe his secret! Why didn't he tell us?" Jordan yelled, as they walked away from the house.

"Maybe let's not talk about it right now," Jon pointed to Jenny.

"It's good, your fathers Superman...I already knew that," Jenny said.

"What?" Both boys asked, turning around.

"I've worked with him during a crisis last year, I found out his identity then," Jen felt no need to hide this from people she'd be living with.

"Worked with? Do you have powers?" Jon asked.

"I do, I can manipulate and create elements...as well as mind control/just reading minds,"

"Whoa, how'd-"

"Enough about powers, let's just get to the bonfire,"

"Bonfire?" Jen was confused.


Jen was drug to a party up at an old mine that night, which she found interesting. Although Jen stuck close to Jon, she still had fun in her own way.

"Aren't you gonna party?" Jon asked.

"Why would I do that?" Jen asked.

"Well I just assume that back in the city, you partied all the time,"

"My father is overprotective, I've never-"

Jen was cut off by a girl walking up to her and smiling. Raising and eyebrow, Jen questioned what she was doing.

"I'm Sarah, I was just passing by to get a drink...I've never seen you around before," Sarah stuck out her hand.

"Yeah, I'm new, Jenny Allen..so anyways, Jon. This would be my first party," Jen said, which made Sarah walk away.

"Harsh," Jon said.


"That was a little mean, she was just introducing herself,"

"I didn't mean to come off as...Hey! Get off of him!" Jen yelled, running towards the teen beating up Jordan.

"Back off!" Jon yelled, tackling the kid.

Jen walked over to Jordan and bent down to his level. Noticing the red in his eyes, Jen went to use her powers to calm him down. By the time she was able to get into his mind, she was too late.

"Ahhh!" Jen screamed, being thrown from where she kneeled.

"Damn," Jen got up, holding her chest.

Looking down, Jen noticed the two large holes in her chest. Jen knew someone would question how she was alive, so she used her powers to patch her clothing and seal the wound.

"Jenny!" Jon yelled, running over.

"I'm fine, just go check on Jordan,"


By the time Clark got the kids back to the house, Jen was in an immense amount of pain.

"Are you alright, Jen?" Lois asked, seeing the distressed look on her face.

"No, ticking time bomb over here shot me!" Jen snapped, taking off her sweater and revealing the wound.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," Jordan panicked.

"It's fine for now, but next time... I won't be so forgiving. Goodnight,"

"Maybe we should take you to a hospital," Clark said, stepping in front of her.

"I'm fine," Jen snapped, pushing Clark out of the way.


"Are you still upset?" Jordan asked as they walked out to the barn.

"No," Jen simply answered.

"Do we have to learn about farming? I want to know about your powers...yours too Jenny," Jon said as they made it to the barn.

"Jenny doesn't-" Clark was cut off by Jen.

"Mine's simple, my biological mother abandoned me in Gotham city. After that, I lived on the streets of whatever city I was able to make it to that week. It wasn't until three years ago that I found my father," Jenny replied.

"So your biological mother has powers? Is she from Earth?" Jordan asked.

"I have no idea,"

"How old are you?" Jon asked.


"You were on the streets for thirteen years?"

"Yep, it was not fun,"

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