In Between

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The second Jordan's hand ran over Jennys face, her entire body went into overdrive. The energy he had unknowingly provided her was just enough to heal her entire body at godspeed.

Jenny's Mind

"Hello?" Jen yelled, walking around in a all white room.

Nothing could be seen for miles and everything was a blinding white. She gave almost a small laugh having seen this situation in Harry Potter.

"Is it possible Dumbledore is out there?" Jen joked, walking around.

Finally seeing something in the distance, Jen took off towards it. Upon closer inspection, it wasn't something, it was someone.

"Hello?" Jen asked.

The person quickly turned around revealing their face to Jen. She was shocked to say the least. The person standing in front of her was...her, only with gold eyes and white hair.

"Who are you?" Jen asked.

"I'm you Jen...but I prefer to go by Astra," Astra smiled.

"Why are you here?"

"Your mind was become drained from all of the powers you possessed, so it split your mind into three parts,"


"You now only control your flight, speed, etc. I now control your elemental powers and Mara controls your mind powers,"

"I'm sorry, who's Mara?" Jen looked around.

"She's the third mind. She's around here somewhere, probably in the memories,"

Jen nodded her head, trying to take in all of this new information. Astra seeing Jen was quite confused, wrapped her arm around Jen and began walking.

"I know you're confused, but you can think more about it when you wake up, for now...let's go look at some memories and be happy,"

Astra walked Jen to a set of large black doors, that had a huge lock on the front. As the two arrived, the door unlocked and opened.

"Where do you want to start?" Astra asked.

"I have no idea, I'm still very confused," Jen followed Astra.

Giving a small smile Jen couldn't see, Astra walked over to what appeared to be a screen.

"Get comfy, this is a long one,"

Jen's Memory

It was a late Friday night and Jen and Jordan were sitting on the couch. Due to Lois and Clark's fear of them hurting someone, like at the game a while ago, the two weren't allowed to go out with the football team. Jon on the other hand could, so he left the two behind.

"This sucks," Jordan said, throwing his head back on the couch.

"Tell me about it, all I did was protect you guys and now I'm getting punished for it," Jen got up and walked towards the kitchen

"You protected us with an baseball bat...made of ice," Jordan laughed.

Jen rolled her eyes and mocked Jordan. All Jordan could do was smile and head into the kitchen.

"You want food? I'm thinking Grilled Cheese," Jen said, looking in the fridge.

"Umm...yes," Jordan said.

Grabbing out the ingredients, Jen set them on the counter. She also grabbed out her phone and began to play music.

"Classical music? While you're making food?" Jordan questioned.

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