What Lies Beneath

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"Barry it's been three months and she still hasn't gotten her memories back," Iris said.

"I know, but what do you want me to do? We've tried everything, we just have to wait and see what happens," Barry replied.

"No, we're not waiting anymore, Barry! She's got two other people in her head that she can't control, as well as a lack of fighting skills. May I remind you that there have been people out to kill her!"

"Then what do you suggest we do?"

"We need to call Lois and Clark, she-" Barry cut off Iris

"No, I'm not losing her again...we just got her back," Barry ran his hands through his hair.

"No, you got a Jenny back, you didn't get our Jenny back. If we want our daughter, she needs these memories,"


Jenny sat in the Cortex, waiting for Barry and Iris to stop fighting. Once they were done, they came in with pained looks on their face.

"Everything okay?" Jenny asked.

"We're taking you to Smallville, to get your memories back," Iris replied.

"Smallville? Why?"

"Cause it has some of your biggest memories...let's go pack your stuff,"

Jenny nodded her head and followed Iris and Barry out of the Cortex and down to the S.T.A.R Labs rooms. Ever since Jenny woke up, the team has kept her at the lab to make sure she was okay.

"I'll get it," Barry said using his super speed.

"Oh," Jenny said, seeing her bags were already packed.

"I guess it's time to go then," Iris gave a small smile.


Barry sped both Iris and Jenny to the Kent family farm. It was quite early in the morning, but Clark assured Barry that it was okay.

"So she can't remember anything?" Lois asked, handing Iris a cup of coffee.

"She can't remember the past four years of her life," Iris clarified.

"And you've tried everything else to get her memories back?"

"Yeah...and nothings worked," Jenny spoke since the first time she got there.

"Well we're gonna do whatever it takes to get your memories back," Clark said.

Jen smiled and looked over towards Barry, who suddenly jumped to his feet. Iris followed suit after looking at her phone.

"Bombing in Central City...I love you Jen," Barry and Iris gave their daughter a hug before speeding away.

Turing back towards Lois, Jen put a small smile on her face. She wasn't sure what to say to the people she once knew.

"So what exactly was my role in this small ass town?" Jen asked.

"Well, you stayed with us while you were being hunted by criminals," Lois answered.

"Sounds about right...anything else?"

Lois looked over at Clark, not knowing if she should mention the relationship. Clark shook his head, knowing Jon should mention that to Jen.

"Secrets already? Harsh," Jen said with a laugh.

"It's not for us to say...Clark go get the boys up," Lois stood up and walked towards the sink.

Jen also stood up, but she decided to head towards the door. Lois rose her eyebrow and followed her out to the porch. Pulling a cigarette from her pocket, Jen lit it and began to smoke it.

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