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"I'm nervous, you nervous?" Jen asked Jon as they waited to go out to the field.

"A little, but we'll be fine," Jon replied.

"What if the crowd judges the way I play? And I mean, all eyes on me if I have the ball...that's scary,"

"Don't even worry about the crowd, Jen. If the crowd becomes too much of a problem, just picture them naked...you know like they say to do when you're public speaking,"

"That's not gonna help, I'll be distracted. Plus, what if I picture the wrong person naked," Jen sent a wink towards Jon.

"What did I just walk into?" Clark asked, walking over to the teens.

"Jen flirting," Jordan pointed out.

"Which she needs to stop doing...I have a girlfriend," Jon stormed away.

"Well you know if I can't flirt Jon, he's always got a twin," Jen winked at Jordan, who's face turned red.

"Really? You're gonna give him a heart attack," Clark said smiling.

"I can't let the guys live an easy life...that's no fun,"


Facing the other team, Jen looked at who she was up against. The determined faces of the opposing team let Jen know, this wouldn't be an easy match.

"You're a girl," One of the guys pointed out.

"That's right bitches...get ready to have your asses kicked," Jordan and Jon smiled at Jens comment.

As the game started, Jen felt her nerves kick in, but she didn't let that stop her. Playing through game, Jen found it was probably the most fun she had. With a final throw, Jens team had scored a victory.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Coach cheered.

Walking over to find the guys, Jen smiled and gave them high-fives.

"Did you get nervous to the point where you had to picture people naked?" Clark joked.

"Maybe one person," Jen winked at Jordan, who turned red and choked on his water.

"Stop, you're gonna end up killing him," Jon said, hitting her shoulder.

"Well if I can't embarrass you, I've gotta embarrass someone," Jen smiled.


Going to the cafe after the game, Jen sat with Tag and Jon. Not knowing exactly what to say, Jen just sat there stealing Jon's food.

"Can you stop that," Jon said, noticing almost all his fries were missing.

"I'm hungry," Jen said.

"So buy your own food," Jon snapped.

"Why are you being so rude to me?"

"Because you sit here flirting with me or acting like my girlfriend even though you're not...I have a girlfriend and it sure as hell isn't you," Jon turned away from Jen.

Although Jen was in no way trying to be his girlfriend, she felt hurt by his comment. Standing up, Jen walked out of the cafe and began to make her way home. Just before she could even step onto the street, Jen was stopped by Sarah.

"Where are you going?" Sarah asked.

"Home, away from Jon," Jen replied.

"Or, you could come to the party...I'm heading there soon,"

"But you'll probably take Jon and Jordan with you, I don't want to see Jon,"

"What did he do?" Sarah was concerned.

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