Bizarros in a Bizarre World

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Bizarro Jen

Astra walked around her workshop, putting items into boxes. The said items were various weapons she was selling on the black market. Ever since she could remember, she was selling illegal items.

"Astra? You down here?" Jon called, as he ran down the stairs.

" shouldn't be here," Astra snapped, looking up at Jon.

"I know, but I just wanted to see you," Jon walked over and pulled Astra in for a kiss.

"It's dangerous down here," Astra smiled and pulled away.

"Yeah, tell me that every time," Jon began walking around and looking at the items that were being packaged.

One item in particular, caught his eye. It was a dark green ball, that had metal buttons along the side. Picking it up, he began to toss it in the air.

"What's this?" Jon asked.

Astra slowly turned around, as she wrote down some information in her notebook. Looking up, her heart nearly jumped out of her chest.

"Jonathan, put that down," Astra panicked.

"It's just a ball, what could go wrong?" Jon chuckled.

"It's not a ball, it's a time reset...if you press one of the buttons, it'll-" Astra watched as he threw the ball up, caught it, and hit the button.

Before Astra could give any further information, Jon pulled his thumb away from the button. The world around him began to fade and the next thing he knew, he was standing in an empty workshop.

"Astra?" Jon called out.

Confused, Jon ran outside the workshop and looked around. The building Astra once occupied, was now seemingly abandoned. Looking down at the device in his hand, he tried hitting the button again, only nothing happened.


Heading back to his house, Jon established that the only thing missing was Astra and he couldn't figure out why. He even tried listening for her voice, but that didn't seem to exist either.

"Is everything okay?" Lois asked Jon.

"Have you seen Astra?" Jon asked.

"Astra? Who's Astra?"

"I-never mind, I'll be upstairs," Jon ran up the stairs and towards his computer.

He began to search and try to find anything on Astra Allen, but nothing came up. As far as he was concerned, she didn't even exist on this planet.

"Damn it!" Jon yelled, throwing his computer.

While Jon paced around his room, he never once thought about that fact that Astra could still be out there, on her home planet...he simply gave up on looking for her.

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