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"How am I not supposed to yell Jennifer! You come back here at almost midnight saying that you went and met your future self, you're pregnant, and split into three separate people!" Barry yelled.

Jen had decided to rush back to Central City that night, to get answers. Since the moment she stepped foot in the building however, she's gotten yelled at.

"You're a teenager Jennifer, wake up and see that you're acting out. Ever since you've been at the Kents, you've been acting out. Drinking, getting arrested...what's wrong with you?"

"Wake up?" Jen asked, while something clicked in her brain.

"Is that all you heard in the past hour?" Iris snapped.

"Oh my god...why didn't I see it before?" Jen put her hands on her head and began to laugh.

"Jennifer Astra Allen!"

"Don't you see it, this is all a sick twisted dream!" Jen grabbed Iris' arms.

"A dream? Is that how you're gonna play off your behavior?" Barry yelled.

"Think about it, the wold has been chaotic and what else is chaotic? A dream. And not just that, look at the signs. I split into three separate people meaning I was confused about who I was. I dreamt I was pregnant because I fell in love and old memories started to resurface! These are common dreams everyone has,"

"Jennifer, knock it off,"

Jen began to walk around the apartment, looking for any other signs of it being a dream. Looking down, she noticed her hand.

"This, this isn't right. I might be able to heal small wounds, but I can't rebuild entire least not out of human flesh," Jen looked up at Iris, noticing something past her.

"And the clock! I can't make it out, nobody can in dreams. Clocks don't exist," Jen exclaimed.

Both Barry and Iris gave Jen a look of concern. They both seemed to be worried for her sanity.

"I just need to wake up, I need something to wake up!" Jen shouted.

"We could really use you Jen, so if you're awake...come back," Jordan thought.

Jen let a smirk appear on her face. She knew that none of this seemed right, there was too much happening at once. One thing that really threw her off was Lois being okay with her killing two people.

"Wake up! Wake up!"


Jen gasped as she launch off of a medical bed. She did a quick glance around the room before her eyes landed on her father.

"Jen!" Barry exclaimed running towards his daughter.

"Is it you or am I still in a dream?" Jen asked.

"It's me...what are you talking about?" Barry pulled away and gave Jen a concerned look.

"I was in a dream, that seemed was like when I died awhile ago and I just kept living,"

"Well don't worry about that right now, I'll get Caitlin,"

Jen watched as her father sped off and she couldn't help but smile. If this was the actual world and not a dream world this time, things were going to be a hell of a lot nicer.


"Everything looks normal, in fact you're like brand new...except for your metal hand," Caitlin said with a smile.

"Sound good to me...I need to go," Jen jumped off the bed.

"Absolutely not, we just got you's been months," Iris exclaimed.

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