Holding the Wrench

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Jen stood in the kitchen, listening to the Kent family talk. As of right now, Jens mind was off in other peoples thoughts.

"Jen!" Jon shouted, trying to get her attention.

"Yeah," Jen snapped out of her daze and focused one him.

"What are you doing? I thought you weren't gonna snoop around anymore?"

"I wasn't until last night..."


Jen walked around her room, picking up the laundry she left on the floor. In the middle of cleaning, Jen felt her phone vibrate.

"What now?" Jen snapped.

Looking at her phone, Jen saw a message from an unknown number. Reading the message, Jen found it was coordinates.

"That's gotta be in the middle of nowhere," Jen said, pulling up a map.

Sure enough, Jen found the location hidden in the middle of a forest. Knowing it seemed strange, Jen waited till morning to ask Clark.

Flashback Ends

"You are not going to some strange location alone," Lois snapped.

"I wasn't planning on it," Jen snapped back.

"Good, now come on Jon," Lois walked outside.

"Where are we going?" Jen asked, grabbing Jon's hand.

"To search the van," Jon replied.


"Identification required," The computer spoke.

"Lois Lane," Lois looked at the two teens.

"Voice authentication confirmed...good morning, Lois,"

Jen seemed surprised that the creepy stranger would allow another stranger to have access to their belongings.

"Is he from another Earth?" Jen asked.

"Most likely," Lois replied.

Jen began to look around herself, failing to realize Jon and Lois found something important. Strolling back over to the two, Jen saw the photos of Lois and what seems like another family.

"So he married you from another Earth, creep's back here trying to snatch another Lois," Jen commented.

"Hey, you good?" Jon asked Lois.

"Yeah, let's just...let's just take a break from the RV," Lois said, getting up and leaving.

After the two teens walked out with Lois, they circled back around the barn and made there way towards the RV.

"This is why I like you, always on the same page," Jon told Jen, while climbing into the RV.

"Yeah well, something tells me there's a lot more in this van," Jen followed behind.

Jen walked behind Jon as he watched the video on the screen. Seeing Lois get killed by Clark hurt Jen an insane amount. Jen knew the love between them and never imagined one would hurt the other.

"That was intense," Jen said, walking towards the other side of the van.

Seeing as there was a panel sticking out on the wall, Jen and Jon began to pull at it. Busting open the cabinet, the two found multiple guns.

"These are nice," Jen commented.

"Yeah, they-" Jon was cut off by the computer.

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