Truth and Consequences

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Jen stood in front of Jon's doppelgänger, as she realized he spoke backwards. Knowing no one else could understand, she informed him.

"What do you want?" Jen asked, now that things were cleared up.

Jon's doppelgänger didn't answer, as he heard Jon walking up behind him. He instantly took off towards him, Jen doing the same. Jen was quick to tackle Jon's doppelgänger, holding him down to the ground.

"What should I call you? I mean I know you're Jon, but that's also Jon," Jen motioned between the two.

"Jon-El, now get off!" Jon yelled, as he threw Jen back.

Jen skidded across the dirt until she got a grip and stood up. Both her and Jon-El stared at each other, neither of them making the first move. That's when Jon-El took the opportunity to run at Jon. He began to use the amulet in his hands to try and merge with Jon.

"Jon!" Lois yelled.

Jen ran towards the two, just as Clark showed up. The two disrupted the merge, throwing Jon-El towards the house. Jen looked over towards Jon-El and began making her way towards him.

"You can't stop what's coming," Jon-El said.

Jen just looked at him, as he sped away. She didn't chase after him or use her powers against him, she just watched.

"Jen, Jen are you alright?" Lois asked, as she noticed the girl staring blankly into the distance.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine...Jon, are you okay?" Jen walked over to him "and Clark, are you okay?"

"I'm good," Clark smiled.

"I think I'm fine," Jon replied.

Jen nodded her head, as she heard her phone ring. Walking away, she pulled her phone out and answered it.

"Hello?" Jen answered.

"Jen, it's Caitlin...I don't know how to tell you this, but um...Frost is dead,"

"I'm sorry, it just sounded like you said Frost was dead...please correct me if I'm wrong," Jen had tears in her eyes.

"You didn't hear me wrong...we're having the funeral soon and I want you to be there. I'll send you all the information,"

"Yeah, that would be great...I'll be there," Jen hung up the phon.

Putting her phone back in her pocket, Jen let a few tears slide down her cheeks. Out of everyone she thought she could lose, Frost was at the bottom of the list.

"Jen, we're heading inside, are you- hey, what's wrong?" Lois asked, seeing the tears on Jens face.

"Frost is dead," Jen looked up at Lois.

"Oh honey, come here," Lois pulled Jen in for a hug.

This was about the time Jen began hearing a voice in the back of her head. Pulling away from Lois, she closed her eyes to focus more on the voice.

"Astra, I know you can hear me," Jon-El said.

"What is it?" Lois asked.

"Nothing...I think I'm gonna go on a walk," Jen smiled.

"Be careful, okay?"

"I will," Jen sped off towards the forest.

She ended up on the bridge, waiting to see if Jon-El would show up. Sure enough, he ended up right by her side.

"So what's yours deal?" Jen asked.

"My deal?" Jon-El chuckled and rose an eyebrow.

"I saw the way you looked at me,"

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