He Can't Take Away My Doll...

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??? Pov: I drove into town the same as###**s littered the streets. I glared them all down the bars##*ds I would murder every single one if I could but I can't ruin what I have with (F/n) here. Soon enough I was driving down the familiar track surrounded by trees everything was so peaceful as useual but something felt off. I drove a bit more faster then useual and soon her house came into view birds chirped as they  sat on the roof. Her old rusted mini sat in its useual place. I opened the car door, got out and slammed it behind me....  That door..... That's new.  I strode up to it and placed my hand on the lighter shade of spruce sticking out like a sore thumb from the rest of the house. There was no window so I couldn't see if she was inside. I knocked on the door loudly knowing how she would normally have her headphones in.  No anwser I tired again,  nothing

I placed my ear to the door not even the sound of footsteps. Maybe she has her music on loud and is listening to metal again. I walked round to the back door and plucked the key from it's hiding place under a flower pot filled with forget-me-nots. I let myself in and wondered round the rooms looking for her figure.

Kitchen,  nothing,  sitting room nothing though it seemed diffrent and strange it felt empty.... The fire's mental piece it use to be filled with little nick-nacks and a beautiful blue vase they weren't anywhere to be seen. I moved on through the house uneasy. Her bedroom, a bear sat on a chair in the corner it was pure white a purple bow laced round it's neck. Did... He give this too her?! I grabbed the bear by the neck and looked into its black beaded eyes. I noticed a tag dangling from its ears I opened it rage bobbling through my veins.

To the love of my life...

I skipped through the soppy words, this definitely wasn't matt's writting  it was neat and delicate not getting to the point, half the things he wouldn't write in a life time.  Yet the name.... It must of been him "(F/N)!!!" I shouted her name not even a creak of a floor board sounded in reply, I threw the bear on the bed.  stomped to the next door bathroom,  nothing . So I ran to the last place to look, the loft space. 

I climbed up the ladder almost slipping, once I reached the top. White stained my eyes, polar bears... paintings of polar bears stood on worktops and on easels. He's been back.... He's taken my doll. I walked up to a piece on a easel my fist going straight through the canves.

Flecks of paint scattering the floor. I let out a low growl that ba##### I drew back my fist and stare at the ruined painting. My rage boiled my head felt hot and only one thing stuck in my mind. He can't take away my doll... My... I'm the one who helped her out... I've know her for ages... Then he,  he's ruined it all the F###er. I took hold of the rails and slid down. Went straight out the back door locked it shoved the key in my pocket and head for my destination I didn't bother going to the car his place wasn't that far. His door it was the same as the one on (F/n) 's so he did that too...  He's helping her too.

I pulled out my bat and smashed on the nearest window and crawled inside the dark wooden shack he called a home. Nothing he would have been here right now ready to beat the cr#p out me. Nothing again I checked the house top to bottom not a single god da## soul, not even that cursed bear. I messed up some stuff then left. Then finally I realized his pickup was gone. A cold chilling air ruffles the orange leaves. He's moving, moving for the winter and he's taken her with him. There's no where to hide I will find you, (F/N).

~normal pov~

"Hey... Wake up" a voice sighed I turned around to tired to want to even try and hear the mumbles that thumbled through my ears.  I heard a slam then a click coldness stabbed at my face I slowly opened my eyes and looked up to see a familiar face surrounded by the cold white. "we're here" he huffed leaving the pickup door open as his boots cracked in the snow.  I unbuckled my seat belt the wind and snow beating at my face as I scrambled out the car. All I could see is white I held at my sides as the cold stung at my skin I followed the faint footprints that scattered the snow. I soon found an ajar wooden door I stepped inside the heat slapped at my cheeks. I closed the door behind me and stumbled towards the warmth. He  was knelt down by a newly lit fire I sat right infront of it on the couch . The heat slowly heating my cold stinging skin. All I wanted to do was take a shower and fall asleep, I laid down across the couch and let out a tired sigh. I closed my eyes and held my arms over my face to get rid of the light. "I'll go get your case" he gruffled. "cheers" I mumbled as I his footsteps disappeared. Soon enough the door swung back open and a light clatter sounded near my head. I looked up he was stood their glaring at the fire. His eyes slowly moved downward and locked with mine, no longer sharp but soft purple eyes... Just like... Nonono. I buried my face in my arms not wanting to remember. I heard a small grunt "you'll be sleeping at the room on left of the hall the bathrooms on the right I'll go put your case in there" he informed walking off again. I let out a shallow breath why does my chest feel so tight. I feel so anxious was this really best idea I hardly know matt... Why do I trust him so much? It'll be nice though to get away for a change right?

(sorry it's taken so long but I've been having aload of troubles lately well anyways I hope you liked it)

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