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(Sorry it's one day late but had to rewrite bits)
Tears wouldn't stop falling from my eyes. As I cried into his chest, his rugged scent calming my nerves. A loud bang made me jolt in surprise. Shooting my head to the sound; I was met with piercing red eyes. A deep unnerving scowl hung on his lips. His hand was wound around his bat. "Arsehole!" in a fit of rage Al aimed downwards towards matt's head lunging backwards on to the floor it bearly missed me. Matt held up the nailed end with his hand. "What the F#cks wrong with you now?" Matt growled to his brother lowly. "Stealing my Doll is one thing but claiming her for ye own..." he spat out his words as if poison laced them. "She's not your, she isn't anyones, she is her own god Damn person Ar#e hat" Matt replied in a pitiful sigh clearly aggiatated. Al seemed taken back by the words, his eyebrows knitted together. He lifted his bat and smashed it down on the couch beside his brother's head. His eyes looked over at me, pure crimson seemed to consumed my (e/c) orbs. Just one look at me made his entire expression change. "F#ck you all, I'd rather die then be seen with you suckers" he hissed angerly leaving the house. I stared down at my hands, they were shaking, I didn't realise till now but Allen's anger scared me, it was so... unpredictable. Glancing upwards I was faced with violet eyes. What now? I heard and engine leap into action. Standing to my feet I stared out the window and watched as Allen speed away in his car. Doll?Matt was right I was my own person. Sorry Al but I don't think we can be anymore then friends... I'd made my mind up in a split secound, I liked Matt but I wasn't sure if it was just because of his resemblance or not. Thinking such a thing caused my stomach to curn in disgust. Something was drawing me to him. Turning my head to him his eyes instantly met mine. "Are you ok?" he qouestioned I nodded my head slowly. Tears still brimmed my eyes so I quickly wiped away with my sleeves. Never since I've met him has he ever tried to make conversation or even seemed welcoming. Thats what struck me, he was cold yet lately he's seemed more warm. More welcoming. It was as if he was slowly opening up. The ice was melting.

"I'm going to bed" I simply put avoiding his gaze. Closing the door behind me I slid down the door. Was it his resemblance, his name? Why did this sudden uneasy feeling struck me when I locked eyes with matt. My stomach felt light but my head weighed down with confusion. Realisation hit me hard. No, I don't like him I can't. My stomach curned at the thought. What if it was just my mind bringing back old feelings I held for Mathew. Burying my head in my arms I let out a big breath. Shoulders slumming the weight lifting I can't believe I told him what does he think? What do I do now? Standing I walked over to the bed and laid down on it staring at the ceiling trying to make a plan. Nothing came to mind. Hearing a small rawr I raised my head to see kuma getting up form his seat I'm the corner. I hadn't even noticed him. He came up and laid his muzzle beside me on the bed I gave him a small pat. Then noticed a red scratch down his face. Sitting up I looked closed holding the bears head in my hands. It looked fine, I'll check it later to see if it's healing. Again worrying about nothing. I bet the wolves scratched him. Wolves? I looked again at the scratch and noticed it reassemble the one on the boy I helped earlier. Why would they attack a human? There should be enough animals in the woods. The the thought lingered in my head as I feel in to a nerve wracking slumber.

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