It looks great

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Letting out a yawn I stretched out on the bed. This cruise wasn't cheap so I may aswell enjoy it. Matt went to go look about up on deck. The ship was massive and had a ton of shops and entertainments. Maybe I should tell Matt, I'm sure he already knows I like him. Damn! Why couldn’t things just be straight forward. What if he doesn't like me. Why did I never think of that before now. Taking in a breath I couldn't belive how long it been since I'd felt like this, 3 years huh?

A click alerted my attention, slowly the door opened and in stepped in the man that confused me. Though he was diffrent, his hair. It was really short. "What is it that bad?" he asked rubbing at the back of his neck. Woah! A smile spread across my face, never had I  thought he could look better clearly I was mistaken. No bad (F/N) you shouldn't be thinking like that! Scolding myself I slapped at my cheeks. "What's up with you?" looking up at matt he was clearly confused by my actions. "It looks great!" I complemented straight after I felt stupid , out of all the thing I could of said... Great was my best idea. I am so stupid. Burying my head in my hand I regretted my feeble words. "Uh Thanks" lifting my head I was taken back again. Blush? "No problem rosy cheeks" I smiled moving his gaze  away from me he sighed "Whatever" his cheeks seemed to grow redder. Then it hit me, no (F/N) you can't lead him on, when you don't know yet.

"Night" I quickly chucked my cover over me and switched off my bed lamp. "Goodnight chickadee" he mumbled back. This was so annoyingly hard. I needed to sort this out now.

I loved Mathew because of how much he cared, he was always sweet and never doubted me. Knowing not matter what he'd love me with all his heart... Biting my lips I tried to hold back my tears.

OK moving on to Matt why do I 'like' him. Is it just a crush? He's strong and blunt. Even though he rough on the outside his soft side is just... Urh.

What should I do! All night I pondered my thoughts but nothing seemed clear in the slightest.

"..ak....P" a small voice spoke to me "Wake up" I was being shook lightly "(F/N) wake up" letting out a small yawn I rolled over away from the noise. After hearing a sigh o though I was left in piece. Intill something cold and wet dripped on my face. Opening one I eyes I lazily stared up at the blonde he was holding a glass of water above my head. "In the name of Lucifer let me sleep" I growled. "It's 3pm get up" he replied simply. Grudgingly I sat up and wiped at my eyes. It left like I'd only had 4 hours sleep at most. "Didn't sleep well eh?" he qouestioned taking a seat at the end of my bed. "Yeh" I yawned. He seemed to want reasoning but left it anyways. "What's the plan for today" he asked. Plan?

(Ok sorry it's 2 day late I know I suck but it's hard I seem to be slowly losing interest in writing. I dunno anyways. I NEED your SUGGESTIONS for what's goanna happen on a cruise. I've never been on a cruise soooo yeh need help)

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