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Clutching to my bag's handle I dragged it below deck to the pickup. Driving of lf the boat I stared out the window. Every so often I remember things I loved about this place. The chippys on the seaside. Pubs in the villages. Darkness settled over the horizon. We pulled into a familiar town. "Pull in to here" I pointed to a car park Matt obliged. A hotel loomed infront of us "Are we staying here?" He asked unbuckling himself. Nodding I took a deep breath and left car. The smell of damp tickled at my nose. Walking into the light lit building I was blinded and squinted. "Hello how may I help you?" a women asked tiredly from behind a desk. "singals for 2 please" I anwsered. "Ok that will be...." she paused and looked up at me a confusion seemed to fall across her. "(F/N)?!" she burst in energy as she flung her arms across the desk and around me. She knew me? Pulling away I was able to get a closer look. Messy blonde hair and dark green eyes, Zoe. An old childhood friend. "What happened? were did you go! Everyone is going to be so happy to see you" this must be a lie. Happy. She was grinning so brightly it was hard not to believe her. Her chipper expression seemed to fall. A small silence lingered as she looked at me. "What's wrong? Sorry if I was too excited it's just been so... Long." Zoe spoke more quietly seeming slightly saddened.

A hand was gently placed on my shoulder. "She's just tired it's been a long trip?" Matt replied for me. Zoe seemed taken back as she looked at matt "Oh ok that explains it, sorry (F/N) can we talk tomorrow?" she smiled warmly. I nodded "sure though please don't tell anyone I'm here". "Your secret is save with me" she winked "So a room for 2 aye?" she smirked a devious smirk. Not really catching on I nodded "singles for 2" she looked at me strangly. "singles? OK you're the boss" she passed a key to me. "that'll cost 10 pounds for the night with discount of course" she smiled at me. Placing the money in her hand I gave a small smile back "Thanks". Picking up my bag Matt followed me into the elevator. "Who was that?" he qouestioned as soon as the doors shut "An old childhood friend" I yawned.
He repleid with a audible hum.
Walking down the hall I stopped at the very end door. Clicking open the lock I strode in without qouestion. Matt set down his things and shut the door.

"Damn" I sighed. That's why she was giving me that smirk. A double bed sat in the middle of the room. That's reminds me about how she always use to get me into situations with boys, guess that hasn't changed. "I'll sleep on the couch" he spoke from behind me. "I don't mind sharing... Just stay on your side" I yawned not even bothering to change I curled up in the covers on one side. "Night" I mumbled. "Goodnight" his voice replied. Tomorrow was going to be a big day I needed all the rest I could get.

A noise repeated in my ears disturbing my need to sleep. Grudgingly I opened my eyes. Slipping the cover from me I walked over to the window towards the noise and peered out. Rain, considering it's winter it didn't suprised me but it was pouring down. Fog layered the window I couldn't help but touch at the cold glass as it chilled my skin. Yawning I covered my mouth lifting my hand from the window, a hand print left were I had lifted my hand from.

Looking out I soon noticed something else. Another hand mark... It wasn't mine I only made one, it was placed over mine. My breath hitched. Shaking my head I couldn't seem to come to a reason. "(F/N)" my train of thought crashed. Looking behind me Matt was sat up his eyes stuck on me. "..." turning away from him I was meet with more fog that covered the hand prints. It's probably just my imagination. I'm too tired and to stressed to even think straight. Taking a small breath, I walked across the room; I took a mug from the side and filled it with water from the small kitchen unite. Taking a sip I tried to relax. No, just imagining. I headed back to my side of the bed and crawled in. Coldness seemed to linger over me. Matt seemed to watch curiously the whole time and didn't lay back down for a while.


"Hey Mattie! Let's have a go at that one?" His brother grinned "I bet you won't beat me this time!". "Sure" Mathew replied. "You watch this (F/N) the hero always wins" His brother boasted pointing to himself. "Whatever you say" I tuted at him playfully. Both of them picked up a ball. His brother shot first knocking the first bottle to the ground. The ball rebound and hit the counter. Mathew had a go knocking down 2. It's seemed hopeful Mathew would win but in the end his brother was victorious, it seemed as if Mathew was being easy on him though. Both still came away with prizes. "H-here I want you to have it" Mathew smiled down at me he held out a pure white bear that had a shiney purple ribbon round it's neck. "Thank you Matthew" I smiled grabbing the bear and hugging at it. "n-no problem" he smiled sweetly back "I'm j-just glad to see you happy". He was so sweet, leaning up I gave him a peck on the cheek. "a-ah" he blushed making me smile wider and blush myself. How can someone be so perfect. "Come on lover birds there is a ton more games to play!" His brother shouted slightly ruining the moment.

"I'm j-just glad to see you happy".


Taking a yawn I buried my face into my pillow. "(F/N)" a hand shook at my shoulder.

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