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I whipped away the hair the hung in my vision with the back of my hand and stood back, I looked over my recent piece, for just going into it without planning or a before sketch it sure as hell looked good. I smiled at my achievement. My ear percked up at a sound of a car rolling over my little drives stones "damn!" I muttered throwing my equipment down, I quickly gathered up the stained pillows and quilts chucking them I'm my laundry hamper.

I rushed back only to be met with a dry crimson floor, my time had run out a knocking snaked it's way through the wood of the house. I took a big breath knowing full well they could see me through the window in the door that stood before me. I slowly opened the door not planning to let them in but of course they barged in before I could stop them. "what's this doll face? You haven't change sides have you?" he pointed to the clear red stain " urh... Red paint I must have dropped some earlier" I shrugged "and I would never kill an animal Al!" I protested at him for believing such a thing. He seem to believe me considering how clumsy I was and how much I hated those hunters.  He shoved a bag into my hands "here I got you some food while I was out in town" he grunted "cheers" I thanked him,  he knew I didn't like going out to much considering all the looks I got. He was one of the rare visitors I would get,  he lived quite a way out so I didn't see him all that often but I was happy for the company he'd give me every once and a while and he was someone who actually shared the same views as me. Which seemed very rare round here.

"So?" he smirked " done a new piece yet?" he qouestioned climbing up the ladder to the loft deck where I kept all my art stuff. "Eh? Oh yeh I just finished one" I followed him up the ladder and watched as he looked over my new piece he held his thumb and finger under his chin pondering, his glass place on top of his head "Doll it's really good! But the colours are all wrong " he snickered. "There not, it's a polar bear" I sighed moving the finished piece from the easel and to the near by window where it'd dry faster. "a polarbear?" a scowl formed on Al's face his red eyes seemed to stare harmfully towards where my piece once sat apon the easel. "Al is something wrong?" I qouestioned walking up to him. He shaked his head breaking from his trance. "so what gave you inspiration for that piece?" he slung his arm round my shoulder, well he wouldn't believe if I actually told him. "I saw a grizzlie outside here and I decided why not paint something different for a change" I smiled. He nodded seeming to understand "yeh it must getting boring painting the same animals after a while" he concluded but he didn't seem to sure of himself . " Well babe , I've got to be going I've got some work to do" he stared at me sadness in his red eyes. Before I could even flinch he placed a kiss on my forehead "Well bye see ye round" I was left speechless as he slid quickly down the ladder and out the door. "Bye"I shouted confused "was he blushing?"I sigh a aloud. I pondered on what the american had just did. Does he like me? I shook my head , of course not from the stories he's told me he flirts with everyone.

Well better get these paints cleaned up.

??? POV: I wondered slowly back to my cabin , Kuma followed behind me. I could see it hidden among the trees I had almost reached it when the men from earlier came stomping out "he's not here!" One shouted some more men appeared from the overgrowth. I wouldn't be able to take them on like this I crouched down lent against a tree and held Kuma's scruff so he won't go after them once he picked up their scents. The besr let out a low growl he's smelt them all right "shhh" I signaled towards him he understood and sat put. I gave him a quick pat for obeying then sneaked my head round the corner they circled round my door. "Maybe he's at that b####'s place" one reasoned to the others "you mean the animal loving w#### (F/n)" one spat the first one nodded they all seemed to agree with him "yeah I'm sure she's hiding him" another added "OK then let's get going boys!" The big gruff man who shot me bellowed.

So they don't like her either huh? They all started stepping back in to the woods probably to find their cars. I let out a long breath and signalled kuma to follow me I slowly got up pain shooting through me as I did. I'll get that b###### back for shooting me. I made it to my cabin and examined the mess they had made luckily it wasn't as bad as I had expected it to be. The locked had been shoot in and the floor had a bullet in it but other then that it was exactly like I left it. They probably didn't know if this place was actually mine.

I strode in and sat down, she was right ; I've reopened the wound. Luckily she banaged it. I looked down at the small patch of blood that had formed. Maybe those men where talking about her... I'm sure they weren't she doesn't seem like someone who's easily hateable. I heard the roar of an engine, who is it this time? I turned my head to the still ajar door and stared outside. My brother stood in the door way,  he looked pissed. "what do you want?" I grunted "looks like those hunters did a number on ye this time huh bro?" he smirked I didn't reply it's not like he actually cares. "You know (F/N)? " he qouestioned his tone dark as he started walking up to me slowly, so he's here about the girl huh? "no, never heard of her! So get lost" I growled he's talking about the girl those hunters are after. "She's-Mine-Got-It" he snarled grabbing ahold of my collar and dragging me from my chair. "F### off Al" I hissed not in the mood for his control issues. He let go "or what? It's not like you stand a chance against me like that " he scoffed annoyingly "Kuma!" I called,  my bear came to my side within secounds. "you where saying s### face" I snarled "screw you! If I ever see you anywhere near (F/n) your dead you hear!" he shouted stomping out. "Whatever" I sighed it's not like I care what happens to her.

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