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The chill numbed at my fingers as I intently waited and watched the snow gentle fall painting the world in a bright innocent white. I'd finished my studies, one more year and I'd finally be able to be a doctor. He promised to treat me to a dinner to celebrate my success, I don't really see what I've accomplished yet considering I still have a year to go. "(F/N)" a voice called faintly I raised my eyes from my frozen hands. How long had I been waiting must have been to excited to wait again. He took my hands in his happily about to say something but then paused "Your hands are freezing!" he frowned tightly holding my hands warming them in his. He let go for a split second and took off his coat and laid it across my shoulders. "better?" he asked I nodded slowly wrap the coat tightly around myself. He led me to the car without another word.

I'd know him for about four years now and he's seemed to be there every step of the way. I couldn't thank him enough.

We where soon at our favorite little cafe it may not have been a fancy restaurant or a perfect place for dinner but it was special to us and that's all that mattered. "So what you two lover birds ordering today?" the waitress asked with her normal smirk "The usual" I answered not even bothering to pick up the menu "me to please" he smiled. "ok it'll be here in 6" she walked off behind the counter leaving us both alone once more.

"Hows the work load been?" he asked kindly. "Same as always they work me to the bone but that's what it takes to become a doctor" I sighed slightly but wasn't planning on giving up anytime soon I can't wait to be able to help others and him. "How's your heart?" I worried knowing fully well he'd had the a bug lately which could effect his condition ARVC, Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. "I'm just fine I've been taking my medication as I always do" he smiled trying to reassure me. I wish something was able to cure his heart problem but unluckily it's inherited therefore is incurable as it's a mutation. "I'm glad your doing good" I ceased my working for now and just enjoyed the moment. I couldn't stop staring into those sweet violet eyes.

-End Flashback-

I walked out of the bathroom towels wrapped around me. Missing him again... I heard a person calling me but ignored it an entered the bedroom and quickly chucked some pj's on and wrapped the towel round my still damp hair. Opening the door I walked down the hall to be met with the two men. "Hey (F/N) is it alright if I sleep with you tonight as there is no where else to sleep" Al had that cheeky smirk on his face "No damn way, you can sleep in the tub" Matt growled slightly causing his brother to scoff. "k..." I answered making the room fall to silence and Al to fist bump the air "but we're sleeping tops and tails and if you even dare think of touching me I will....." I was cut short "Nah thanks I'll pass" Al laughed throwing slightly. I shrugged, his choice.

I need tea ASAP. I went to brew the pot without a second thought and quickly washed up the cup I had found earlier. The needed to relax washed over me.

-Next day-

I walked into the living room earlier then I would normally finding it a pain to sleep, thoughts of him nagging on my mind. I found Al passed out on the couch and Matt asleep on the armchair; arms crossed over his chest. They both looked so more peaceful when they're a sleep and made way less noise. All I could hear was the chirping of birds even though it was still dim outside. I glanced over the white landscape. Why does the snow always remind me of him. I'm acting like such a sad sod what's in the past is in the past right?

I gently tapped at my cheeks trying to stop the depressing train of thought. "Why are you awake this early?" A voice mumbled I turned my head slowly already knowing who asked "Couldn't sleep" I sighed in a pathetic response. Matt uncrossed his arms and stretched " You can sleep in the bed if you like its not like I'm getting to sleep anytime soon" I offered "Nah I'm fine I'll have to be getting off soon anyway" he answered rising from his seat he stop his stride behind me looking at scene I was glancing at earlier.

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