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Taking a deep breath I repeated myself "Get Out!" yet he didn't seem to take any mind as he stared down at my hand. "No need for the weapon I'm not planning on harming you" he smiled slightly as if trying to reassure me as he took a step closer. "Stay back" after what Matt said I knew I could never trust this man, pointing my scalpel towards him he seemed to hault clearly amused. "A doctor hurting someone now that's new" he snickered into his hand clearly trying to anger me.

Sudden realisation hit me, he's here for me. Matt, I need to get to matt and fast. Drawing my eyes away from the man infront of me I accessed my location. Picking up a nearby ornament I raised it above my head. "What the hell are you... " glass scattered as the smashing sounded priced past his voice. Without warning I dived through the window. Soon a clatter of footsteps followed behind me. Dragging myself up from the snow smothered in glass started to run. It worked not only did I escaped but alerted everyone soon enough I'm sure they'll get Matt. Unfortunately I knew that'd take a couple of hours. Ducking behind a shack a took a well needed breath trying my hardest to clam down as the adrenaline seeped to my head. Glancing round the corner I was delightful suprised to see nobody.

"Heh sneaky wretch" a chill spiked my spin as the words sunk in. Spinning on my heel I drew out my hand. "tch who do you think I am?" he caught my hand and jabbed it's pressure point causing me to drop my scalpel unwillingly my arm was behind my back in secounds, I hissed at the sudden pain . Taking a deep breath I started to scream "Help! Some.." my mouth was muffled with a hand squirming I bit the hand letting out a small yelp I was soon on the floor head planted in the snow.

"To think he chose someone as pathetic as you" The mans voice was like poison to my freezing ears.

-Matt's pov-
(Been so long since I used Matt's Pov :D)

Readying my hockey stick I took position by the door everything was finally in place. Waiting I stayed alert ready for François to appear at any moment. An engine roared through the crisp cold air "Matt! Matt! " bears voice called, no don't tell me he... Rushing from the house I didn't drop the weapon as I looked towards bear hoping that he wasn't about to utter the words I expected. "He took her" he breathed. Feeling my hair stand on end I let out a low growl in frustration "Sh#t" I seethed.

-Back to normal-

A loud thud echoed seeming to radiate of the empty metal walls. Staring through half lidded eyes I waited for something to appear in my shallow sight. "So let's talk shall we?" a chair was set infornt of me. Eyes glared down at me I didn't move or respond. Did he really need to restrain me! I felt hopeless trapped like a bird in a barbed wired cage. "So tell me about yourself?" he acted as if this was a normal occurrence in his everyday life, he held a bottle of some cheap wine. "Stubbornness isn't going to help you we both know that" he grunted leaning back on the chair he took a puff of a cigar between his bone like fingers.

Closing my eyes I tried to block out this reality maybe I'll just disappear. The clatter of the bottle alerted my ears. My eyes opened in pain as something hit me a red hand print stained my face. After a long silence he soon spoke again "I tried to do it the nice way, now let's play it my way". Nodding I dint seem to have much choice moving I tried to get comfortable my back aching as I forcefully sat on the wooden chair. "Ok so what do you want with Matt?" he qouestioned waving back the cigar as if to motion to something. "nothing... He's just helped me through alot why would I want anything?" I raised my head to him not understanding what the importance was.

"Really he helped you? Well you must be special if he went to those lengths" he spoke as if the information was generally known. "How did you meet?" another qouestioned was thrown my way and I anwsered truthfully telling him he'd been shot and I gave him medical treatment.

Soon after a couple more simple domestic qouestions he stood from his seat. "Very well you can call me François, he should be here soon so hold tight for a little longer" his motive was unclear and that's what frightened me the most. François clearly knew Matt on a personal level but why take me?

Lazily leaning back in my seat I stared up at the ceiling of the factory like building. Ricocheting footstep captured my fading attention. Waiting didn't take as long as I thought it would. "(F/N)" Happiness enveloped me as his figure appeared at the door. "Are you alright?" he qouestioned running up to me. "Stop!" I shouted causing him to hault "run away this is clearly a trap" I warned trying my hardest to convince him to leave yet I knew he'd be resentful. "Does it look like I give a damn, let's get you out of here" That hockey stick I'd seen what seemed like years ago was clutched in his hands. "Not so fast Matthieu" this seemed to cliché too those hero shows I was starting to get frustrated. Matt turned away from me to glaring daggers towards the man in the doorway. "I like her, Definitely a keeper" that smirking face seemed to taunt me yet the words seemed genuine enough, well not for me to snap at him. "When did I ask for your opinion! Stop getting involved in my business and leave us alone" Matt's voice lowered the hatered clearly apprant. "Is that really anyway to talk to your papa?" François glared with just as much disgust back.

"Hey you guys done yet? I want to take my pay and get going from this stupid little game" an annoyed voice called, "For Godsake Allen shut up!" François spat. "Sure after you give me the dosh" Allen appeared holding out his hand a bat slung over his shoulder "I didn't even get to beat the F#cker up! " he whined. By this time Matt was using the distraction to help me free. Allen always had a big mouth and right now I was quite greatful for it. Standing up I stretched. Now Matt was here I felt much more relaxed as my safety clearly wasn't threatened. Hearing a roar of an engine. My head was pushed down. The argument between Francios and Allen stopped as they both ducked behind the walls.
Tension grew silence lingering. "Um...François are you here it's almost dinner time" a familiar feeble voice called. Hearing a under utter of swear words everything returned back to the relentless argument. "Let's leave before we get dragged to dinner" Matt mumbled to me taking my hand. "Why not stay for dinner, you've had to deal with my family" I reminded. "The fact is I don't like mine" he sighed.

"Oh poppet how's everything?" Oliver leaned pass the growing argument. Before I anwsered he gave a coy smile. "So Matt..." he winked. "Don't you dare even go there" Matt rolled his eyes and striped forwards leading me behind him. Pushing of the jumble outside the door he kept walking without hesitation. "Bye poppet!" Oliver waved. "Hey Doll if he don't treat you right give me a call" Allen smirked making hand jestures. Francios on the other hand jut raised his hand slightly from his crossed arms. "Bye" I waved slightly still be dragged away.

Even though I was just abducted and qouestioned I never once felt as if I was alone he was coming to get me even now it seem kind of pathetic I was scared well now I know everything and to think I thought my family was wired. Checking girls by kidnapping them. Atleast they care. "What's that look" glancing upwards Matt had removed his shades to his head and was glancing at me with those dazzling eyes. "Thinking is all" I replied not really want to plunge the happy, strange moment into a dark despair.

Once we reached outside I was squeezed tightly. "Thank god" I muttered sent me speechless. "Hmmm?" confused I couldn't see anything but the fabric of his plaid shirt. "Ok let's get going before one of them changes their mind" he stated glancing back to the workhouse.
"Change there mind?" catching on quickly I smile "Bet 10 dollars it's Allen first" I grinned he seemed to smile slightly at the bet. "Why make a bet I know I'm going to lose..." he smirked.

"Hey (F/N)!" hearing my name being shouted by none other then Allen we both quickly hopped into the car. Matt speed off leaving Allen behind.

(Almost da end D: hope this chapter was sweet)

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