Death Trap

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( Anyways if you want me to ditch this chapter just say as it's a bit eh also sorry for the big wait but I was finishing of my Oliver story. Also check my feed to see what happening with this and my other  stories in the future)

Reader's Pov:

Matt tort me quickly how to use the equipment they where all quite simple, ice saw, to saw up the ice, Talons to pluck the ice from the water so it doesn't reattach. Even though I was sure I knew how to use them I just didn't think I would have the strength to pull it off. I took in a deep breath and picked up the long ice saw I stood near the edge of where the ice ended and shoved the saw in the water by the ice. I brought it back "The first cut is always the hardest" He had stated doing it flawlessly with even trying. I pulled back on the saw and heard a pleasing slice , I had to admit this wasn't as bad as I expected. I sawed two perfectly parallel lines then split them all out into manageable blocks the only thing bothering me was the cold nipping at any skin as it order away.

Picking up the talons I looked to see how the others where doing Matt and Bear where the furthest ahead; they both seemed in a heated war of who'd finish first. I walked up to my ice cubes, I grabbed one and went to pull it from the rest of the ice but the weight of the block sent me off guard as soon as it left the water it became 10 times heavier. I struggled as I tired my best to shift the weight but that idea was my biggest mistake as as soon as I shifted the weight my feet among the ice shifted with it I was slipping to close to the edge, nearer to the icy water. I dropped the ice trying to help my situation but all it caused was an ear piercing crack to sound in my ears. I stood as still as possible I could feel eyes land on me I looked down seeing the creak right next to my right foot. "(F/N)!!!" I looked up instinctively catch a glimpse of everyone's shocked faces as plunged in to the freezing, unforgiving depths. Within secounds my body fell into a stinging numbness and my struggling to get back to the surface ceased. This was it, to be far it wasen't the worst way to die and I would finally see him again yet something held me back even though I wanted to join him.... I couldn't why? My mind became fuzzy all fear left my body and the coldness took over slowly choking me to a slow painful death. Warmth embraced me as movement pushed me lightly and the sound of splashing sound in my ears just as everything became a horrid black and my hearing muffled. Air like  shards of glass once stabbed at my face once I left thw water, my lounges burnt for that same air that caused my skin so much pain. I was shivering furiously I couldn't think straight my ears where muffled. I curled up on the warm snow. Everytime I took a breath my lounges screamed out in pain. I felt warmth near me and moved towards it my hearing returned to hear deep breaths and shouting I was being plucked from the warmth into another. I wasn't able to open my eyes. "She's going to catch hypothermia if we don't hurry" someone spoke fastly "I really didn't want this happening today" I could tell the voice was Bear. I tried to move but it was pointless my limbs where too numbed from the cold. Heat hit my face like a brick and I was set down infront of blistering warmth; I could hear the sound of crackling flames. I pryed open my eyes. "(F/N) can you hear me? I need you to quickly get changed" Bear spoke worriedly holding out clothes to me.

I nodded my lips feeling to frozen to move, I attempted to stand up and luckily my legs worked pins and needles shoot through me yet I kept moving I knew how much I need to change to help my temperature to rise again. I got changed as Bear turned his back. Once I was done I slumbed back down in front of the fire. "d-done" I shuddered out. My hands where still shaking and the dry clothes hung off me as they where made for men. Bear drapped a ton of plants round me as the door to the cabin opened someone ploped down next to me, it was Matt he was shivering too. I shared the blankets without qouestion he was cold nearly as cold as when I first found him dieing. He was the one that had pulled my out of that icy death trap. My breaths started to calm down. "coffee,tea or hot chocolate?" Bear asked " (preferred choice ) please" I anwsered "Maple Coffee" Matt anwsered through chattering teeth. "Thank you" I mumbled turning my eyes to my saviour "n-no problem w-we're even now" he stuttered the wetness from his clothes where starting to seep through to mine "Matt you need to change" I stated that reminded me of his wound. It must hurt like hell right now and I'm going to have to check it soon. "I'll be fine" he sighed his voice was becoming stronger he was recovering quickly. "He swims in the lake with us sometimes, you must be getting old if you're taking this long to recover" Bear laughed bringing the drinks. "I haven't swam with you guys for nearly a year" he huffed standing from the cacune we'd made. He took his drink and went to a nearby room picking up some clothes that where set on the side probably getting changed. "Here" Bear passed me my drink I heard a rawr outside causing Bear to let out a sigh he opened the door and a padding of paws followed soon enough Kuma was by my side. "Kuma?" I looked at the bear he laid around me and let out a little growl I patted his head "seems the bears worried about you how'd you train such a beast" of of the embassy walked in after him. I shrugged my shoulder and scratched behind his ear.

His warmth seethed through the many layers that surrounded me. I was alive, out of danger, out of that death trap. I took a sip of my warm drink it warmed my lips almost burning them intern. I lent back in the polar bear feeling tired all I felt like doing know was sleeping. How could falling in a freezing lake take so much out of me. I need to check his wound before I pass out.  I wobbled to standing up placing my drink to the side Kuma stood beside me acting like a support "You shouldn't be standing yet" Bear threted "I need to check on matt's wound" I urged kuma helped me walked to the room I knew matt was in "you can do that later you need to rest now" he followed me trying to reason. "Matt I'm coming in" I called opening the door not caring. He was stood there a shirt over his arms that he was about to put on he stared at me a glint of surprise arose in his eyes. I let free kuma from my grip and took small steps towards him I could hardly tell I was walking and it was hard to keep a balance. "Show me the wound" I sighed lifting up his arm once I got to him to see it clearly.  he had taken of the bandages and the around the wound  had turned purple and some stitches had came lose I let out a small sigh. "You came in here to check that" he grumbled "och that must hurt" Bear hissed from the doorway "Bear is there a med kit?" I asked truning to him. "Yeh I'll go get it for you" He disappeared to go get it. My head felt heavy I didn't realise ideas falling forward till Matt held me still. He sat me on the bed in the right hand corner of the room and placed the top to the side. "Your really a bother you know that right?" he sighed taking a seat next to me, I held my head in my hands trying to refocus my vision "I'm not the one that keeps ruining the stitches" I retaliated sarcastically. My hair stuck to my head and was still damp, I pushed it behind my ears. He tied up his soaked wet hair that was slipping water on the white sheets. His eyes landed on me, he was giving that same look. I withdrew my eyes as I heard Bear coming. "Here" Bear came scurrying in with a case. I took it from him with a thank you and placed the case on the bed and opened it up too see what might be off use. "Can you get a water bottle or something warm?" I asked picking up a needle some thread a bandage and some cotton "Some alcohol too please" I called "Ok " bear called back.

He came back with the water bottle and alcohol. The water bottle was hot "Hold this to your stomach" I ordered shoving it towards Matt. He did as told. I thread the need and spilt some alcohol on the cotton. I moved to the floor infront of him "lift" he lifted the water bottle and I swobbed around the wound he flinched slightly. I then redid the lose stitches the wound was already begin to close. "Do you want the bandage redone?" I qouestion knowing it wasn't nesseray but he could still reopened it. He let out a huff "do I need it?" he qouestioned "Well are you planning on reopening it?" I sighed looking up at him he shrugged. "I'll take that as a yes" I did his bandages then stumbled back to the fire without a word kuma layed down a round me again. "(F/n)" Bears voice called I hummed at him curling up in a ball "Are you alright? " he qouestioned "Yeh just really tired" I anwsered "I'll be heading back out, get some sleep". "Ok say sorry for the the others for me and thank you" I yawned "your welcome" I heard the door latch close. "sleeping huh?" Matt's footsteps sounded by my head. I let out a small noise not being bothered to anwser fully anymore as I relaxed, I went to sleep.

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