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Tumbling with my hands I stared at the gun by my side. This was going to be impossible. "It'll be fine poppet no need to threat" Oliver tried to reassure. Taking a deep breath only seemed to make my nerves raise as I fully took in what i was about to do. "Yeah we've done stuff like this countless amounts of times" Allen's statement only made me question the nonfunctional family more. "Just don't get in my way and you'll be fine" Frank's voice seem to fall more as a threat. Considering how calm they all were you'd never guess we were about to break into a prison. We'd been planning for weeks, months even waiting for the perfect opportunity and it was only moments away. "Ok it's go time" I was shoved from the car. staring up at the looming building i was starting to doubt my choices. "You can do this" i mumbled to myself placing the gun in a holster under my skirt from my old nurse uniform. Luckily I was at the back entrance so nobody was around. walking round to the front I casually strolled into the reception. Glancing around a voice called out to me "How may I help you?" The receptionist asked. "I'm here for the nurse position" I smiled they rose an eyebrow lifting a couple of papers "Name?" They started up at mt waiting for an answer. "Ashley Cassivant" I let the name fall from my tongue forcing myself to remember the women I murdered in cold blood.


"Please Don't!" her senseless screaming seemed to heighten my senses as she stared up at me longing for me to drop the needle. Sobbing drowned out the sound of my racing heart. Matt I need Matt back... without him everything I'll lose it all again. The death was painless yet still left a bitter taste on my tongue especially when i was congratulated straight after. Now no matter what anyone said I was a killer.


"Ok go right through you should find the medical ward on the right side of the hall" The receptionist's annoying voice brought me back and set my feet into motion as I swiftly moved down the hall being let in through metal bars and past a police officer. Gunshots followed behind me "HEY WHERE IS THE PARTY AT!" Allen's voice sounded as I heard the receptionist let out a blood curdling scream .Already knowing the layout of this place like the back of my hand I slipped into the security room. Everything was pitch black and a man was sat in front of bright monitors. Taking a bottle and cloth from my satchel I dapped some chatter chloroform onto the cloth and quickly placed it over his mouth before he detected me. Struggling it was hard to keep him still in my grip but eventually he fell unconscious. Pushing him away from the controls I took the alarm wires and cut them swiftly with my scalpel. Slipping back into the corridor I was extremely thankful I wasn't spotted and that I got there in time before we were detected. Allen and his rash movements could have cost us this opportunity. Strolling down the hall I passed the ward area were I was meant to be going and instead headed straight to were they kept the prisoners. Keeping confident nobody stopped or questioned why I was there.

"Great your finally here" a man in uniform came rushing up to me. "I know your department is under staffed but it's been hours" he complained. Blinking a couple of times I didn't understand the situation. They were expecting me. Consumed with confusion I couldn't help but feel anxious. "The prisoner is this way" he led me through to a room not giving me a chance to object or escape. Entering the room he gave me a pat on the back "Good luck this one's a pure demon" he laughed nervously before leaving. Taking a breath I deducted that a prisoner got hurt and they called for a nurse to fix them up. Cautiously I rounded the corner. A figure was slouched at the end of a bed. No lights were turned on and the only slither of light came from a small high bared window. "h-hello" I called in to the lingering darkness, the shadowy figure sat straight their attention clearly aimed at me. "(F/N)" a voice croaked my name. Joy consumed me as soon as I realized. "Matt" I breathed he stood and was in front of me in a couple long strides,  he embraced me in a tight hug. Tears soaked my uniform as I returned the long over due hug.

Finally I'd got my Matt back. Then it struck. "What's wrong?" pulling him away I looked him over for visible injuries the light condition not really helping my search. Unbuttoning his shirt he revealed a gash across his chest. Gritting my teeth I rummaged through my bag. I didn't bring anything really for injuries more things to help infiltration. "It's fine no need to panic" Matt spoke softly cupping my face with his hands. "I'm just so surprised to see you I thought you forgot about me... Or at least hated my guts" he mumbled. "Who?" I joked glancing around. He gave a small aggravated smile. "Don't ruin it" he sighed. "Me ruin? I think you have the wrong person" I smiled back "Just shut up" he rolled his eyes. Pulling me in he gave me a heart warming kiss, my cheeks were set ablaze, as my heart melted. I didn't doubt what I was doing anymore not after getting him back. Gasping for air I could see the smile on his face. "Flustered again eh?" he poked my cheek. "Sorry but someone is being to hot for their own good" I stated. Before he could even question my response or brag, I dragged him towards the door. "Ok need you to play it cool" I whispered he nodded understanding. Straightening myself up I walked from the room. "I need to take him back to the ward for stitches" I informed the officer from earlier who was waiting outside. He looked nervous and just gave a feeble nod as he stared past. curiously  looking behind me a death glare was being sent his way from Matt. Tuting in annoyance  I carried on forward Matt following behind me. The ward was right up ahead. But once we'd passed it they would know what my plans were. Picking up my pace I wanted to get out before this all goes down hill. Spotting an officer walking down the hall I was forced to shove my hand in my bag. Pulling out a needle I waited till they stopped us. "Where are you taking this one?" they muttered. "Oh No where in particular" I responded getting close enough to shove the needle into the main artery in their neck. Inserting the contense they started foaming at the mouth and soon collapsed onto the floor reading his name tag in my mind i let out a small sigh "Daniel Fisher" well there is another name to add to the list. 

Grabbing Matt's hand adrenaline power me as I ran down the hall. Reaching the gate before the exit I hoped the rest had done their part. It easily swung open when I pushed on it. Another voice captured my attention. reaching under my skirt I pulled out my gun. spin to the voice a young man stood at the end of my barrel. A officer to slow to draw his weapons to defend himself. Clearly trembling I set forward a question "what's your name?" my voice was crisp and clear. Confusion clouded their eyes "a-Andrew" they muttered. Pulling the trigger down I gave them an apologetic smile "Goodbye Andrew" With that the gun lurched into the life blood splattered the whit wash walls and another name was add to my growing list. "Lets get going" Tightening my grip on Matt's hand his expression wore me down. Clearly this was a side he didn't want to see of me, where i break all my morals for his sake. Running through the glass doors the car speed up to the entry, jumping in a cheer interrupted as we made a hasty escape "Whoa that was an awesome shoot, pure natural" Allen praised but his words feel on distracted ears. Death wasn't something I cherished, after all most of my life has been dedicated to helping others yet now I was a murderer. My head pounded and I tried my hardest to forget what I'd just did, leaning my head on Matt I closed my eyes trying my hardest to relax feeling like my skeleton might just jump out of my skin. His hand petted my head as if to try and help. 

Before i could even relish in the moment a screeching sound priced my ears as metal scraped against each other. Arms tightly wound around me as we were sent jolting forward. Hitting the front seat hard I was sent into nothingness.

Opening my eyes my body ached wanting to give in. I need to make sure they are alright... blood clouded my vision but I could hear the sound of sirens not being able to move my head I wasn't able to see him. Please lord don't take another one away from me.

(Song Above kinda inspired this whole story. Also tempted to just leave it on this cliffhanger XD)

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