Chapter 2: Showing Off

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January 25, 2390; 11:34 AM
South Ocean, 30 km west off the port of Maihark
UNENS Prinz Eugen

Within his room, William Schmidt, captain of the UNENS Prinz Eugen, was fixing his tie in front of the mirror.

As he was finishing up he heard his door open and and a blonde woman entered his room.

"Ara Ara~, Captain." The woman said with a melodic, yet teasing voice.

William sighed out under his breath before replying to the woman.

*Sigh* "Hello, Eugen. What do you want?" William said in a tired voice as he turned to face the shorter woman.

"What's wrong? Can't a ship see her own captain?" Eugen said with a smirking face. (Basically, Eugen from Azur Lane in looks but rigging is basically an FDG except 4 heads instead of 2 and quad barreled main guns.)

"No, but whenever you visit me alone, it often results in my misfortune." William said plainly.

Eugen then began laughing before noticing something.

"Hahaha... huh? Wait, why are you wearing a suit?" She asked as she noticed the grey tuxedo suit.

"Well, we are tasked with bringing the delegates of the Principality of Qua-Toyne to the Atlantis continent, so I want to look good and presentable." William said as he turned back towards the glass, while fixing his hair.

"But you always look good..." Eugen muttered quietly.

"What was that?"

"N-Nothing!" Eugen stammered with a blush on her face.

The room became silent before William broke the awkward silence.

"Hmm... it looks like we're near the port, well lets get ready to welcome the delegates." William said as he walked out of the room with Prinz Eugen in tow.

January 18, 2390; 09:11 AM
Principality of Qua Toyne
Government meeting room

The foreign affairs bureau interacted with many countries. It was currently in the middle of preparing a delegation to visit the UNE, an "emerging nation", prior to establishing diplomatic ties.

International delegations were fairly common. There were many countries in this world, and rulers and country names changed often, especially in more moderate countries. Larger countries also sometimes broke up into smaller ones.

There were dangers on the road and while visiting other countries, so it was also not uncommon for there to be injuries or deaths while on a mission. The destination oftentimes had lower standards of living. (Kua Toine's cuisine was, rare for a so-called "barbarian" nation, considered to be on the same level as the Third Civilization's.) They also frequently had problems with sanitation, disease handling, and/or security. This made delegation work generally undesirable.

However, this mission was to a country that was attracting a lot of attention. The Union of New Earth or more simply called the "UNE" was a so called union of multiple countries outside the civilized areas but apparently, they poses technology that surpassed the great powers. Yago thought that this was outlandish and impossible.

"Let's start the meeting."

His thought process was interrupted by the sudden declaration. The five delegates, four of whom were various officials from the foreign affairs bureau as well as General Hanki from Military Affairs, sat together in a small conference room. The chief delegate provided a detailed explanation.

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