Chapter 6: Iron Tides and Red Skies(with a side of Pasta)Revised

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Author's note: Hello readers! I am very sorry for the nearly month late chapter, High school work has already been bitting me in the arse, but i'll try to update as soon as I can.

Note: This is my longest chapter.

Anyway, chapter summary is basically: Anschluss time + rush B(erlin) + "Kirov Reporting" + Katyusha + Erika + Pizza time = This chapter
January 30, 2390; 7:22 AM
Geneva, Switzerland
The Citadel, council meeting room

Within the Citadel, a meeting was being held by the UNE council and the multiple heads of the UNE Military, currently discussing the attack plans against the Lourian mainland.

Within the Citadel, a meeting was being held by the UNE council and the multiple heads of the UNE Military, currently discussing the attack plans against the Lourian mainland

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(UNE Council Meeting room)

Up upon the middle pedestal stood Prime Minister Tomas Keller stood, his wife sitting behind him.

"Ehem, Good morning council members, thank you all for coming and making it to the meeting. Today's meeting topic concerns the conflict between the UNE and the Kingdom of Louria, joining us today are officers from the multiple branches of the UNE Military, including Grand Admiral Jackson Williams, Senior Field Marshall Wilhelm Wagner, High Marshal Stefano Marino, and High Commander Amadeus Dela Cruz." Tomas said into the microphone as the rest of the ministers began to clap, with the heads of the UNE military standing up to acknowledge it, a few seconds later, the clapping died down as the Union military leaders sitting back down.

"Now that's done, let us move on to the topic for today's session, the conflict between the Union and the Kingdom of Louria. As of today, the skirmish has lasted for eight days, and we need to end the war quickly before any of the other Kingdoms and Empires catch wind of this."

"虽然我们确实需要尽快结束这场战争,但我们需要考虑可能卷入交火的洛里安公民,我们还需要考虑尽量减少洛里安的伤亡。(Although we do need to end this war as soon as possible, we need to consider the citizens of Louria who may be involved in the crossfire, and we also need to consider minimizing Lourian casualties.)" Said Chinese minister Zheng Huang, his words being translated via the translation headset the Council members all wear.

"मैं मंत्री हुआंग से सहमत हूं, हमें हताहतों की संख्या को कम से कम रखने की जरूरत है, सैनिकों को पूरी तरह से मारने के बजाय उन्हें पकड़ने पर अधिक ध्यान देना चाहिए (I agree with minister Huang, we need to keep the casualties to the minimum, focus more on capturing soldiers than outright killing them.)" Said Indian minister

"Salamat sa iyong mga opinyon mga ministro, Pero ito ay sinubukan na naming gawin, ang handlang lamang ay lahat nga mga base militar ng Louria at stratehiyang mga lokasyon ay malapit sa lugar na may maraming sibilyan.(Thank you for your opinions ministers, but this is what we've been trying to do, the problem is that all Lourian strongholds and strategic locations are located in and near civilians, therefore limiting us in our strategies.)" Filipino General Alonso Garcia said towards the ministers.

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