Chapter 4: Ceddin Deden

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January 26, 2390; 05:30 PM
Atlantia Hotel

After the show, the group returned to the hotel for dinner. The delegates throughout the trip back to the hotel just kept a shocked and horrified face from the military presentation.

When they eventually arrived back to the hotel, the group separated and the delegates went into their large shared room.

The delegates then began to wash themselves one by one in the bathroom, each of them being surprised by the shower's ability to change the temperature of the water at will.

After they refreshed, they all began to sit on chairs within their room and held a small meeting.

"...What do you all think of the UNE?" Yago started first, asking the other delegates the question they, themselves, were wondering.

No one answered the question, all of them still to frightened and shocked at the demonstration of power earlier this day.

"...Impossible...the UNE isn't simply a 'Great Power' or 'Superpower'...they are a Hyper power. They surpass every kingdom, empire, and country, I even believe that they surpass the ancient 'Ravernal Empire' in power by a thousand fold..." General Hanki said as he looked outside the window from his chair, seeing the bright lights covering every inch of the city, skyscrapers filling the night sky with light.

The rest of the delegates agreed with Hanki's statement.

"*Sigh*...What can we do?" Yago asked.

"What can we even do? I don't know why they even bothered to interact with Qua-Toyne, they could have conquered us, along with every other country easily..." Hanki said.

"But despite that, they chose to be peaceful, so what can we do for them?"

"Well, they don't need anything from us while we need everything from them." A delegate from the agricultural ministry said.

"Hmm...what if...Qua-Toyne joined the Union? We could receive everything we need, from improving the lives of citizens and protection from the other powers." Yago suggested.

The rest of the delegates thought for a moment before Yago asked for a vote.

"Alright, raise your hand if you agree that Qua-Toyne will become a part of the Union?"

Most of the delegates raised their hand while Hanki kept his hand down.


"...What other choice do we have..." Hanki said as he finally raised his hand.

"Very well, that is what we will do."
January 27, 2390; 08:00 AM
Atlantia Hotel

The day was here, the delegates would finally be meeting with the leader of the UNE. The delegates finished breakfast 2 hours ago and are currently residing within the hotel lobby, waiting for Günther to take them to the 'Citadel'.

After a few minutes of waiting, Günther arrived, holding small boxes.

"I see you're all ready, sorry I've kept you waiting." Günther said.

"No worries, but I do have a question." Yago asked.

"Ah, ask away."

"Well, i've seen maps of the UNE, and it seems that your capital is nearly 40,000 kilometers away from here, so, how are we going to get there in a day?"

"Oh, we won't be getting there in a day."

'Hmm, I see that the UNE has its limits-' Yago thought before being cut off by Günther.

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