Within the Union Shorts: 1(Updated)

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Note: This is all canon.

Short 1: Fantasy situations

It was a sunny day within the city of New Tokyo on the continent of Hyboria within the UNE. On a walkway, we can see two people, one a normal looking man, and the other is a red haired woman with glasses.

"She really did that?" The woman said as she carried groceries.

"Yeah, Miia and Arachnera were stuck for hours, luckily, Suu got them unstuck." The man said.

"Well, good thing I don't have to worry about that with Tohru."

"Yeah, the only thing to worry about is your house burning down, Kobayashi." The man said.

"Yeah and that's certainly worse than being crushed by a Lamia, being webbed up by a spider girl, being absorbed by a slime, or being run over by a centaur, Kimihito." Kobayashi said to Kimihito, sarcastically.

"Yeah yeah, hey I was planning on a barbecue, you wanna join? The rest are invited too." Kimihito asked.

"Sure, Tohru is gonna love the barbecue."

Alright, later at 7 PM, don't be late."

"I won't."

The two continued to walk to their homes which was on the same block. Both of them were greeted in different ways, one was greeted by a horde of monstergirls, and the other was greeted with a dragon maid.

Note: Kobayashi's Dragon Maid and Monster Musume are in the UNE.
Short 2: Rewriting the future
Synopsis: For 30 years, the UNE have used inter dimensional teleportation to better the lives of those in other universes thanks to the UDPF(Union Dimensional Police Force)

Location: Universe-177013 (Metamorphosis)

A young high school girl with glasses walked within a convenience store, she was walking while reading until she accidentally bumped into a guy.

"Ow! Sorry!" The girl said as she fell.

"It's okay...hey are you Saki Yoshida?" The guy said.

"Uh yeah? Why?" Saki said.

"I'm Hayato, hey, do you want to go to a Karaoke box with me?" Hayato asked.

"Uh...sur-" Saki said before she was cut off by a portal appearing beside them and 5 armored men came from the portal, holding futuristic guns.

"UDPF, NOBODY MOVE!" The lead armored man said, he then looked towards the young man and woman in front of him.

"Are you Saki Yoshida and Hayato Masuma?" He asked

"U-Uh yes...why do you ask?" Said Yoshida before the lead armored man got a pistol and shot Hayato through the head.

"AH! Why did you do that?!"

"James, bring her the manga." The leader said as one of the men brought out a manga from his pocket and gave it to her.

Saki then looked at the manga and noticed...herself. She then read through it and saw...terrible things happening to her, she cried as she red through it before falling to the floor, bawling her eyes out.

"W-What...what is this?" She said after a few minutes of crying.

"Your future, or what would have been your future if we hadn't intervened."

"Thank you...but...what do I do now?" She asked.

"You can come with us. The UNE accepts anyone and you will be provided stuff for you to get started."

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