Chapter 5: The Union Rule the Waves(Revised)

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June 25, 2390, 09:50 AM
Kingdom of Louria
Capital city of Jin-Hark

Within the Kingdom of Louria's capital castle, and within the throne room, a meeting was being held amongst the Lourian heads of state.

King Hark Louria XXXIV(34th) was excited to hear about how the invasion of Qua-Toyne was going so, at his command, the meeting began.

"How goes the invasion of the Qua Toynian city of Gim? Have they begun cowering in fear and surrendered yet?" Asked King Hark with a smirk.

The various military advisors just stood quiet, to scared to share the information they have been given.

"Why are you all silent? Tell me what happened!"

Eventually, one of the military advisors, General Pandour, stepped forward and gave him the news.

"M-my King, the Gim invasion...the Gim invasion has failed...The invasion force was wiped out..."

The room became silent until King Hark gave out a loud cry, hurting the ears of the men inside the meeting room.

"WHAT?! HOW?! The army sent to Gim would have been able to take the entirety of Qua Toyne on their own, yet they failed?!" Hark yelled, his face red from all the shouting.

The advisors were silent again, unable to answer the question Hark asked.

"WELL?! How were they wiped out?!"

"We...don't know my lord..."

"Tsk. Ten thousand men and 75 wyverns, gone in an instant...all my hard work bowing down to the Papadian Empire...wasted..."

"B-But my lord, we still have the naval invasion to depend on. Surely the thing that wiped out the Gim invasion force can not destroy our fleet of 4,000 strong ships!"

"Of course the disgusting beast people of Qua Toyne would not be able to match that, even with whatever secret weapon they have!" Hark said, joy and pride coming back to his face.

"Other then that, I want you to find whatever destroyed the invasion force so that we may be prepared for it."

"Yes my king." The advisors said before Hark ordered them to leave.

'Hehehe...Qua-Toyne will never see it coming...' Hark thought as he smirked will sitting upon his thrown, surrounded by his concubines.

But King Hark was wrong...very, very wrong...
June 27, 2390, 10:25 AM
Rodenius strait
60 km of the port of Maihark

The seas were calm, waves splashing softly, sea birds flying near the water's surface and fish swimming peacefully beneath the waves, but this calm wouldn't last, as the storm began to approach.

Above the water, large shapes moved, cutting the water's surface like butter, some of the shapes being almost three kilometers in length.

Admiral Charles 'Monty' Montgomery of the 88th Union fleet, also known as the '28th British Grand Fleet', looked over the sea surface, onboard his flagship, the UNENS Prince of Wales, with the ship's personification, Wales, beside him.

They were ordered to intercept the incoming fleet from Louria and order them to either surrender, or be destroyed, preferably the first option.

Like all UNEN fleets, the 28th British Grand fleet was made up of 114 ships, 3 carriers, 10 battleships and battlecruisers, 20 heavy cruisers, 22 light cruisers, 32 destroyers, and 7 submarines.

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