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"Where is she!" said Clint Barton to the hospital staff who was just doing their job.
"Sir, please, calm down! She's in room 45,but I don't think-" said a doctor, but was interrupted by Tony Stark.
"Let us to see her or i will buy this hospital and fire you! Birdie wait!"
"We should be nicer to the staff" said Bruce.
"Nathasa was missing for 2 months, beeing undercover and we finally found her here in this hospital. She had surgery without one of us near her. I don't have time to be nice" said Clint.
"Here's her room" said Steve.
Clint opened the door carefully because he didn't know if Nat was sleeping or not. He didn't even know why she had surgery. As soon as he heard she was at a hospital in London, he packed everything he could, announced the Avengers and flew with them in the SHIELD helicopter.He was glad to see that in the room was only Nat's bed and no other sick people. They will have privacy. Nat was sleeping. Her skin color was white as a sheet,only her red hair was the only color in the room beside white.He was wondering what happened to his friend in that undercover mission. If he caught that idiot who put her in a hospital, he will ask Thor to vaporize him from Earth's surface,because if he beated Black Widow, he was really strong. All the Avengers took a seat next to Nathasa's bed. Tony went out of the room to make a call to move Nat to the Avengers Tower med bay. After, Steve and Bruce went to take some coffe. Thinking about coffe, Clint needed to go to the bathroom. Accidentally all returned at the same time. Tony succeeded to make the hospital staff to let him move Nat. An helicopter was on their way. When they opened the door, they saw that Nat was awake and was looking att the window. They were all so happy.
"Nat, you are awake. You scared us all."said Clint.
She didn't move.She continued to look at the window. The team started to worry.
" Nat are you alright? "said Steve.
She didn't move. Worried, all of them moved from the doorway and went to Black Widow's bed.
" Maybe she lost her hearing in that mission? "said Tony.
Clint, concerned, moved in the way of the window.
" Nat! "said the archer.
He waved his hand in front of her eyes. No reaction. No" what do you want Clint"or "stop doing that or i cut your hand". He was worried. He shaked her shoulder . Still nothing.
"Nat! Nat answer!" said Clint.
"I'm going after her doctor" said Bruce.
"Come on Romanoff, stop that blank stare and tell us<<idiots, you could have found me sooner>>" said Tony trying to mask his sadness and concern with his jokes.
"Tony, it's not the time." said Steve.
A furious doctor entered.
"I told you superheros to wait, but no."
"Sir, what's wrong with her. She looks at me like I'm not even here." said Clint.
"Now you don't want to fire me? Anyway, let's forget your behavior from earlier. Miss. Romanoff was found in a forest by a woman who was walking her dog. She was beaten so bad, that the poor woman how found her told the police she found a dead body.

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