Romeo and Juliet

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Steve and Bruce were searching the hallways of the building to find Natasha, while Tony and Clint were cleaning their way,shooting all the widow soldiers they met,after the surprise element failed.
"This wasn't a good plan!" Bruce shouted.
"Sorry! I really didn't care to much how we are going to save Natasha. I just wanted to save her ." Steve said. "I think i saw the control room ahead! Where are Tony and Clint?"
"Behind. They are fighting an army of widows. I don't think–"
"Everything will be alright!"
"A part of our team is there and we are here!"
"We can manage." Steve said trowing his shield in the door at the end of the hall, breaking it.
  The control room was dark except for the red light screens that were all around the room. Steve got chills. He could swear that this room was colder than all the base  and this meant something big and evil was planned here. The capitan looked at the screen. There were plans for a Widow army,the Avengers style. They were experimenting on women. The first screen had the division H, were they were trying to make  widows with Hulk's powers. On the next screen was division T, where they were trying to make soldiers with electric powers, a lame imitation of Thor's powers. The next one had division C, witch had fighters with Red Room's imitation of Steve's super soldier serum. On another screen were armor plans that were exact like Iron man's suit, but with the Black Widow symbol.
"Steve, i don't think this is the control room." Bruce said. "Come over here. "
"This room is bigger than it looks."
"I know." Bruce pressed a button and the lights turned on.
Steve was shocked when he saw what the Red Room was doing. On the wall in front of him were capsules filled with a green or blue liquid. Inside them where young girls who looked like they were sleeping. Some of them were older, but all had one thing in common, they were attached on cables and had face mask.
"They are growing an army." Steve said.
"After this files, we are looking at division H and T." Bruce said holding a folder.
"Where are the other divisions?"
"Downstairs Apparently there is an underground level "
"We didn't find her, so maybe Na–"
Steve was cut off by the image of a shield hitting Bruce in the head and the sound of his friend falling on the floor. As suddenly at that  red shield appeared and hit Banner , Steve felt a hand wrapped around his neck. He loocked left and saw an  electric bracelet that he knew very well because he helped Tony to make it. Natasha's Widow Bite.
"Popast' sjuda, v nashu set', bylo uzhasnoj ideej. Tupye amerikancy(Coming here in our web, was a horrible idea. Stupid Americans ) "
"Natasha is me,Steve."
"We know you very well, Capitan America." The Red Guardian said with a russian accent. "And after we will defeat the Avengers, we will be invincible!" he punched Steve in the stomach.
"Natasha, why are you doing this! I love you!"
"That was so sweet,but i dont think she  heard you."The Red Guardian came closer to his face" You know, that chip made wonders to Natasha! Now she really is the perfect daughter! "
" What chip? "
" Americans, so ignorant! Since you and the Avengers will die,i can tell you, in this way you will leave this word, knowing you failed. You thought that you captured Yelena, but this was our plan to distract you from Natalia. We also distracted you from our real purpouse of the atack. It was never ment to kill Natasha. It's role was to put a chip inside her, which made her our puppet without string. "
Steve started to laugh.
" Pochemu vy smeetes'? My pobedili! Ty nenormal'nyj? (Why are you laughing? We won! Are you crazy? ) "Natasha said.
" Crazy for you, darling!After today, i don't think  i will be your father's favorite son-in-law! "Steve hit with his head the Red Guardian in face.He felt that Black Widow's hold loosened and Steve took advantage of this. Even if he didn't want, Steve trow Natasha around the room. She went flying in the direction of the blue capsules, breaking them.
" I'm sorry, Natasha" Steve said and took his shield"but i had talk with your father without you."
"Smart thing hitting me. How did you know i was the one controlling Natalia? It could be anyone from the Red Room."
"What can i say? Your daughter likes smart guys."
"Let's see if you know how to fight!" the Red Guatdian attackes Steve with his shield, but he uses his to block the enemy's move.
"If i do, do i have the permission to be her boyfriend?"Steve smiled and trowed his shield in the corner of the room.
" If you fight as worst as you trow, and you do, i would be more worried about the place were my tombstone will be. "
Steve continued to smile.
" Why are you smiling? "
" You know, your daughter is an excelent teacher. Fitst  and second rule:if you are captured, make the enemy talk and  distract them. "
" Distract me? "
" Just look behind. "
The Guardian looked and was hit in the face by Steve's shield, falling unconscious on the ground.
" That was to easy!"
" I would not speak that fast!"Yelena appeared in the doorstep, pointing her Widow Bite at Steve." I really liked what you did with Natalia's bracelets. With the new design, our widows will be more efficient. "said Yelena, but then fell on the floor, electrocuted.
" I wouldn't speak that faste either,
sestra(sister)! "
Steve looked behind him and saw Natasha, her Black Widow Bite still fuming from the shot. Capitan America looked on the floor at the unconscious Red Guardian.
"Natasha?Is that you? "
"Who else would I be?"
Steve could control and hug Nat.She was surprised. It took her some moments to speak.
"Why are we here ?"
"What? What is the last thing you remember?"
"A blurry image of a dog? I'm not sure. I'm still a little affected by the electric shock of the capsules. We are in the Red Room, aren't we?"
"Yes. I think the electric Impulse burned your chip."
"My chip?"
"It's a long story.Your family is not the most welcoming  one."
"My Red Room family. We are not blood related. My real parents and brother died in a fire. I was the only one who survived. A man named Ivan saved me and brought me to the Red Room."
"I'm sorey."
"Don't be. It was a long time ago. I even dont remember how they looked."
"How old were you and your brother ?"
"I was 6 and my brother 4.Is Bruce alright?"
"Yeah,just unconscious." Steve hated that Natasha changed the subject of the conversation. He wanted to learn more about her, but respected her decision.
An loud alarm interrupted his thoughts.
"What is that?"
"Autodistruction alarm. Apparently my dad distracted you too. If he couldn't win, nobody would. Do you have your comms? Announce the other Avengers to leave!" Natasha started tasking  at a computer"We have 7 seconds to leave. "
" We won't make it in time!"
" There is a evacuation capsule since i was a child. This place never changed. Take Bruce!" Natasha ordered. She went in another corner of the room and pressed a code. A door opened, revealing 2 chairs and a hexagonal window.
"It's not big enough. You and Bruce enter. I will try to stop it."
Natasha put Bruce in one chair and went outside. She moved Steve in the way of the capsule. Nat hold his face with her hands.
"Nat, what are you–"
"I appreciate your offer. But the Red Room is going down by my hand!" Natasha kissed him pushed him inside the capsule. Before closing the door, Natasha throw a last glance at Steve"I love you! ". He could see the tears in her eyes, even if she was smiling.
Steve punched the closed door with no effect.The capsule launced in the air. He heard the explosion.
"NATASHA!" Steve shouted to himself. He started to cry too.
"This won't be how things end between us! She is alive! And we will be together and live happily!" Steve spoke alone in the capsule, until they abruptly landed.

Steve woke up in a hospital room. Clint and Tony were sitting on the chairs next to his bad. They face were sorrowful.Steve was afraid to ask,but still did.
" Is Natasha ok? "
" The search team looked over the Red Room 's ruins..... they think... nobody could survive that explosion. They found the bodies of Yelena Belova and the Red Guardian." Clint said, his eyes red from all the crying. "I need a moment alone." the archer left the room, so he could cry for the lost of his best friend.
"I'm sorry, Steve. I don't know what to say to make you feel better.... she will not suffer anymore..... she died a hero... The Sakovia's justice system  understood it was the Red Room and no Natasha, so she is no longer an international criminal"Tony patted Steve's shoulder " For the first time, Natasha is at peace now."

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