Welcome back, Nathasa?

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Two weeks had passed since Star became a member of the Avengers. Steve was satisfied with her work. He continued to read Nathasa stories until her bookcase couldn't fit any more, so he bought her a shelf. He saw how Star was calming Nathasa after every nightmare, liking her face or putting her head on Nat,and liked the fact that is idea was working.
Nathasa's condition didn't change, but Steve was positive that she will be aright. The other Avengers, together with SHIELD, were trying to find some clues, but the guys who did this weren't amateurs. They cleaned their footsteps.

In the morning, Clint knocked to Nathasa's room. Steve opened it.
"Can we talk outside of Nathasa's room? "said Clint.
" Yeah. Of course."replied Steve.
Going down the stairs, Clint started to say." Look, Steve, i think, two weeks ago, we were both angry and stressed about.... all this situation... i never thought about you that you wouldn't respect Nathasa. Trust me,  it's not like you imagined. A lot of people thought that we were together. i don't love her. It's just..... Nathasa is not so open for example being in a team, sharing problems, helping each other, asking for help when she's hurt is hard for Nat because she was teached to not show weakness. Everthing is  new for her. Love is new for her. If you love her, you would be her first boyfriend . I guess i wanted to protect her.... to be the big brother. I wanted to do what she did for me when i was dating my wife. Well... maybe not with that much "Romanoff style". "
Steve couldn't hide his shock " Wife? Clint, your married? "
" Yhea, for 3 years. I even have kids. But don't tell everyone,even SHIELD doesn't know, it's mine and Nathasa's secret. "
" What is "Romanoff style"? "
Clint started to laugh at the memory." When i had my first date with my wife, I came to Nathasa for help,like if girl like flowers or chocolate.... and she came at me with a folder of information about her:grades, parking tickets, everything ". Hawkeye tried to stop laughing, but failed. "And things got crazier. I met her parents. Now was her turn to meet mine....Nathasa was the closest to a family to me, so we went to meet her. I explained to Laura, my wife, that"my friend" is a little overprotective with me and scary. She said is fine. When we knocked to her door, Nathasa opened it with a gun in her hand. I panicked. In my head, i was like "i will be single for the  rest of my life". But not, Laura wasn't even scared. With a normal facd, like she didn't have a gun pointed at her, she shook Nathasa's other hand and said"Hi, i'm Laura, Clint's new girlfriend". Nathasa smiled, which is rare. Nat whispered to my ear"I like her"and the rest is history. "
Steve was amazed." Thank you for sharing your secret with me. "
" We are a family. Do you want to go to the gym. Nat is ok with Star and the others are at SHIELD... "said Clint.
" Let's go! "
Steve was happy that he and Clint discussed things. He didn't want to distroy their friendship. At the gym, Clint was an worthy training partner . His moves where fast and preciseand Steve was impressed. Clint wasn't just a good archer how Steve thought.

In her room, Nathasa was playing fetch with Star. She didn't like to make any move in front of the others, even if they didn't hurt her and they were  friendly. Nat didn't trusted them yet. She considered  the fact that she could trust Steve because he brought her Star and read her every night, but she's scared to make a mistake.
Star was the cutest dog she saw. So fluffy, so caring. The dog helped her with the nightmares that didn't let her sleep. Nathasa also liked to play with her,the dog being so funny sometimes. The animal was the only one who knew that Nathasa can walk out of the weelchair, even if the first  time when she did that, Nat almost fell on the floor, but the dog helped her immediately. Star was very alert. So was Nathasa. She learned that when the russian tortured her. She knew when they come to torture her.The Black Widow was paying to much attention to Star that she didn't heard  Steve opening the door.
"Nathasa?" said Steve with a big smile.
She froze.
"You are playing with Star!" continued Steve to say. "I'm going to bring Clint. He will be–"
"No!" shouted Nathasa.
"Why? Nat, he waited –"
" I don't trust him! Please!" Nathasa hold his arm to make sure he doesn't leave. Steve looked at her confused. None of them spoke. After 2 minutes, Steve asked"Why don't you trust him? ". He saw that Nathasa  was struggling to decide if she should tell him or not. Even Star felt Nat wasn't ok, so she went by her side. Steve decided to cl9se the door. The he sat on the bed and made a sign for Nat to sit.
" Why don't you trust him? "
" He speaks russian, what if he's like them?"
"Like who?"
"Like the people who held me."
"Nathasa, was Clint with  you in Budapest once ?" Steve's worry could feel in his words.
"No– but why everyone is calling me Nathasa or Nat? My name is Natalia."

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