Read me to sleep

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Tony finished to install  the ramp while Steve and Nathasa were watching T. V and Clint with  Pepper were eating ice cream and crying that Nathasa  now hated them. Bruce and Tony tried to tell them that Nathasa had a traumatic experience and that's why she's acting  differently and they shouldn't exaggerate that much.
"Ready to go to your room, Romanoff?" said Tony.
"Of course she is!" said Steve, trying to fill the silence. He led Nathasa to her room.When he opened the door, said:
"Wow! I never so your room. Don't take me wrong, but i expected swords on the  walls, a skeleton in the wardrobe and a loot of guns on the table, bed...... the wepons are hidden, aren't them?" said Steve. He went to the bed and lifted the pillow.
"You slept with a gun under your pillow? Wait-why I'm surprised. You're Nathasa Romnoff! I better be careful where i step or i could get stabed." said Steve with a smile, trying to brighten the atmosphere and also talk with her.
He almost jumped of joy when he saw that Nathasa had a bookcase, full of books. He didn't thought she liked reading. He was so happy that she had books with paper and cover, not like the ones the other avengers had. Tony gave him a tablet with digital books, but it's was not the same. He liked to feel the pages. Steve felt so old fashioned and alone, but the thought that people who still liked reading books existed,made him happy. Nathasa had books about events that happened in winter, war and some of them even fantasy. He was surprised by the winter and fantasy ones. Steve always so Nathasa like the cold one. His eyes settled on a book he  wished to read for a long time.
"You have<<The boy in the stripped pyjamas>>?! I searched for this book for so long! I found one on Amazon and purchased it. It is supposed to come next monday. Can i borrow yours?"asked Steve. Again, it was no reaction. He couldn't just borrow it without her permission. It felt wrong. Beside, all the other books had a bookmark, so she already has read them, maybe multiple times, but this one was new. Suddenly, he felt very sad. He thought that Nathasa bought this book before her last mission and decided to read it after her job was done. Now he could imagine her sitting in bed and reading it, never putting her down until she didn't finished it. He imagine how Nathasa finished the book in the morning and had to prepare for the day. She had to look like  she didn't stay awake all night and maybe cried at some parts of the story. Coming back from his thoughts, Steve looked at Nathasa. Now, nothing that he had imagined would become reality. Suddenly, he came with an idea.
"You didn't read it. I want to read it. So, what if I read it to you?" said Steve, while he  settled in the armchair nest to the window and moved Nathasa's chair next to him.
He read for hours, until he finished the book. When he looked at Nathasa, she was sleeping. He looked at his hand clock and so it was 3 a. m. He decided to leave and let her sleep when he heard crying sounds. He looked at Nat and saw that she was having a nightmare. He tried to wake her up, but when she did wake up, her whole body tensed. Steve knew how bad nightmares were. He had them too when he came out of  ice. During the war he saw a lot of his teamworkers dying on the battle front. He saw how cruel the man can be. Nathasa saw evil too. Maybe i  the last mission, she saw too much.
"It's okay , Nathasa. Now you are safe."

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