Love Letter

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The Avengers were shocked by what they heard. After that they were angry that they couldn't protect their friend and she endured all of that alone.
"Will she be alright?" said Clint, almost whispering, afraid of the answer.
"Only time can tell.And your helicopter is here, Mr. Stark"said the doctor.
" Dont worry, guys, with my tech and Banner, Nathasa will be herself again in no time. "said Tony.
At the Avengers Tower, Nathasa was settled in the med bay. She still didn't reactioned to anything. Clint and Steve talked with her about what happened in the last 2 months and why Thor is not there, because he cut his hair, accidentally, with a lawn mower. They didn't knew if she heard them or understood what they said, but continued to talk, thinking that will help. But nothing. Tony tried to annoy Romanoff the best he could, thinking he would get at least a "Stark, i promise i will kill you!", but all he got was that blank stare that he saw since she woke up at the hospital.
Later, Nick Fury and Maria Hill, came to see Nathasa.
"What was her mission, Fury. And no secrets" said Steve, blocking his way to the hallway that leaded to Nat's room.
"We send her in Russia to investigate why the number of missing children and deaths was increasing" said Fury. "She was supposed to just investigate. A week mission. When she didn't come back, we tried to communicate with her, using her undercover phone number. When she didn't answer, we send teams to search for her. We didn't expect that she was in London. We searched all this time in the wrong place. "
" Her mission was supposed to be 1 week long! "said Clint, angry." Why we found about this just after a month! "
" The teams couldn't find her. From a rescue mission, it became a recovery. I couldn't accept the fact that she was dead, so i called you. ". For the first time, the team saw a tear going down Nick's cheek and saw that he regreted all that happened.
" Nick, i have to warn you, Nathasa...... she's not exactly herself right now. "said Clint.
" What happened with her? "said the director following Bruce to Nat's room.
" Prepare yourself. "said Bruce.
Both Maria and Nick started to worry. They only knew that she was in hospital for 1week.
"Nathasa?" said Fury when he saw her. "NATHASA!Why is she not answering or looking at me. Did she lost her hearing?"
"No, that's the think. The doctor told us, that her body healed, but her mind not. We don't know what she have been through, but all that trauma... ..." said Bruce.
Suddenly, Maria started to cry and left the room. Nathasa was like a little sister to her, even if they didn't show that in front of others. That was their little secret. Working with boys, they have to act hard, to not show weakness or they will think that they are  damsels in distress. They told each other secrets. Some of Nat's, just Maria knew, even Clint didn't know them.
Maria took from her vest pocket a letter and started crying more. It was Nathasa's letter. The one she gave Maria before her undercover mission because<<a single woman can't have a love letter with her>>.She remembers the day when Nathasa came at her apartment with a problem. At first she was scared. So was Nathasa. When Nathasa started to describe her "symptoms", Maria laughed so hard that almost fell from her chair. Apparently, Nathasa had her first crush on someone. Nat was so angry at her because she laughed of her "condition", but then Maria explained her that she had a crush. It was hard for the russian assassin to see  and understand how love works because in the Red Room that was a weakness. Maria was so glad she was the first to find about Nat's crush. The Black Widow didn't know how to tell him that she liked him and didn't knew if he liked her back, so Maria told her to write a letter, an anonymous one.
Clint come to see her, so Maria hide the letter.
"Are you ok? We didn't thought you can cry. " said Clint
"Yeah, very funny. Leave the jokes to Tony. It's just...... I feel responsible for Nat's condition. I let her to go in that mission."
"It's not your fault.It's the ones who did that to her. We will take care of Nathasa and she will be ok."
"You really think..... you saw her"
"She is Nat. Nat is always strong."
"Agent Hill let's go to find some idiots to punch" said Fury.
"Sir, it's okay if i talk alone with Nathasa for 1 minute." said Maria.
"Sure. I will wait outside. Avenger, your new mission is to find the idiots who did that to agent Romanoff." said Fury.
Hill entered in Nathasa's room and sat in the chair next to her bed.
"Hey, Nat. I don't know if you hear me, but you have to come back because your Prince Charming needs to know that you love him." She hold her hand waiting for a miracle like in the movies, but nothing.
"Love is not for children, Nat" aaid said Maria, before closing the door.

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