Meet the Avengers

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The next day, Steve decided to make Natasha a special breakfast because he wanted to make it up about last night. He made 10 chocolate chips pancakes with strawberries on the plate and blueberries on the top. He put the  plate on a tray next to a glass of orange juice. Tony and Clint  looked at him smiling.
"We don't  say that you love Nathasa, but just friends don't go to another country at 4 am to buy strawberries." said Tony.
"It's not their season in America !" said Steve, going to Nathasa's room.
"I told you.50 dollars " said Clint  pointing at his hand for Tony to give him the money.
"Stupid bet!"

Steve knocked at Nathasa's door. "Natalia? It's me, Steve. Can i come in?" After five seconds he opened the door. Nathasa was still sleeping. He didn't know if he should be happy or worried that she didn't hear him knocking. Maybe she felt finally safe? Or she was so tired because of the nightmares?
Steve put the trey on the nightstand and shook Nathasa lightly. This time she didn't jump and he was very happy that Nat started to feel safe.
"Morning, Steve!" said Nathasa rubbing her eyes and staying in a siting position. "How long was your dinner last night?You didn't came back. "
"Sorry. We decided to go to shawarma place.... we didn't thought it would take us much time.... when i came you were aready sleeping."
Nathasa's eyes widened "How did I get in bed? I was in the armchair."
"Sorry. I moved you last night. I thought the bed was more comfortable."
"Thank you"
"Also i brought you this!" said Steve putting  the tray in front of her face.
All Nathasa could say was"Wow! "
Steve smiled at her." I hope you like it"
Nathasa's eyes were fixed on the pancakes. She was nodding.
Steve was smiling at the image because he never thought  she would see Nathasa Romanoff like that. She was always the cold one.
Nat was savoring her pancakes so much that Steve had to tell her 3 times to not forget to breath. He thought  that he made to many pancakes, but then he saw Nathasa  finishing it in 8 minutes.
His surprise must have been on his face because she said"Don't look like that... it was the first time in a long time  when the food was tasty. "
Then Steve felt bad. The substances in the IV for sure weren't like the real food and for sure the people who held her didn't feed her. She was so thin at the hospital. But thankfully she got better.
" Maybe i can  talk with Clint and give him a chance . "said Nat.
Steve was so happy. Everything  was going back to normal.
" Steve, can i ask you something? "said Nat unsure.
" Of course. "
" Why i am here?"
Steve looked confused.
" i mean, here with you guys.Like, you come at the hospital  to take me, you treated me,you have weapons.... what are you? the police? hospital staff? "
Steve knew that question will come. He remembered  the talk he had with the Avengers.
"Well... Natalia, i don't know how to tell you, but you lost some years of your life after the people who tortured you. We  are a team of agents who works for SHIELD."
Nathasa froze. She remembered how the russian  people where asking her questions about SHIELD. Now everything make sense.
" Who are the Avengers? "
The question took Steve by surprise. Did she remember something?
" Did you remembered something?"
" No. The russians were always asking me about SHIELD and Avengers. First, i thought that what you were saying was crazy, that i lost my memory, maybe because i was scared to accept the fact, but now, all the pieces are coming together. Who are the Avengers? "
" We are. Our team name is Avengers. "
" So, we are like some cops with cool toys?"
"Basically, yes.Do you wqnt to meet the other? "
"Well.... if we are a team..."
"You will love them. But first let me tell them."
"To not be... too surprised. Just wait here." said Steve
After 10 minutes Steve came back.
"Ok.Are you ready?"
"Are you? Because you look pretty nervous"
"Me?Nah, let's go. "
Suddenly a loud sound come from outside of the room.
"I left them alone for 17 seconds" mumbled Steve and tried to smile at Nathasa, to  assure  her that everything was alright, when in reality it was all falling apart.
Nathasa opened the door.  From the stairs she saw a flying iron man and Pepper who was shouting at him.
"Get down Tony, right now!"
"No. I will surprise her with my  superhero landing!"
"She doesn't remember you!You will scare her!"
On the sofa Clint was looking  at photos with him. "Not this one with me. My hair  is horrible!"
Bruce was walking  back and forth, reading his papers"Nice to meet you–NO, NO, NO, it's sounds horrible, maybe, hi, I'm Bruce–NO, NO, not this one, it's a honour to meet you–NO, that's the most horrible one.
Steve told them to be less "noisy". He didn't wanted to scare Nat. Steve looked  at Nathasa to see her reaction. He already could imagine her disappointment. But what he saw next, shocked him. The Black Widow was smiling. Then a laugh bursted. "Sorry, Steve. It's just...... i can't believe i was afraid of this guys.We should tell them that we are here before they start a fire. "
The Widow just had finished her sentence, when she heard:
"TONY! YOU STARTED A FIRE!" screamed Pepper.
"I got  it. I got it." said Tony.
"Let's go!" said Steve with a smile on his face.
Nathasa really like the Avengers. They talked for hours. Nat couldn't remember the last time were she laughted that much. The Avengers were carefully about what they were telling her. After a while, they saw that   Nathasa  was starting to yawn more and more.She didn't want to go to sleep  because it was so fun with the Avengers, but they promised her that they would go to sleep too. Nathasa apologized to Pepper and Clint for being afraid about them and then she and Steve went to her room. They were both happy that Nat was their friend again.
After Nat wad  in bed, Steve ask"What book do you want me to read tonight? "
" I don't know. Something magical? I don't want any action tonight. "
" Why?You love those books. "
" Yesterday, when you were out, i watched a spy movie. Because of it i had the strangest dream. I was a spy and Clint was following me with his bow and arrow pointed at me. Good luck that Star was here for me to make the nightmare go away. "said Nathasa, petting her dog's head.
Steve was quite for a minute.

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