Looking For You by YoungLadyKei

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(A Crossover Fanfiction of Vincenzo and DOTS)


"Yoo Shi-jin. A captain of South Korean Special Forces?" Vincenzo read the information Luca gave to him.

"Sì, capo. He keeps on lurking around the Geumga Plaza. We often saw him talking with Ms. Hong Cha-young," Luca said. Vincenzo Cassano, the Caporegime of Cassano Famiglia, put down the folder he was holding on the glass center table. He was lost in thoughts for a moment and Luca did not say a word. When seconds turned into minutes, Luca decided to say something in order to bring back his capo to reality. It was a rare sight, Vincenzo Cassano, staring blankly at the space.

"Should we-" Vincenzo looked at Luca. Luca made a gun hand gesture and he pointed it on his forehead. Vincenzo shook his head.

"No. It's not a good idea," he said. Vincenzo held his Zippo while Luca was looking at him, the poor man was confused.

'Killing him is a bad idea, he's part of the Special Forces. It will surely cause a lot of problems,' he thought. He started to flicker his Zippo; the sound made him concentrate and help him to think calmly. It was so comforting, the flicking soothes his lost mind and soul. His mind wandered towards the person who held a room on his island; and also held a place in his heart.

Hong Cha-young was sitting on a chair, her leg-crossed and she kept on tapping her bunny stick on the table. The uneasy and awkward silence is bothering her; she can clearly hear the ticking of the clock, the tapping sound of her bunny stick and-

She glared in the direction of Mr. Nam.

-The flicking of the lighter.

Mr. Nam was busy flicking his lighter that was given to him by a certain someone. It was a gift of gratitude for-Cha-young scowled when she remembered the reason-it was a gift of gratitude for keeping an eye on her. It was an unnecessary thing. Keeping an eye on her? Who does he think he is?

"Aish-Really-" She hasn't seen him for one year and he's really bothering her. Should she punish him for what he had done? Wait-Did he do something wrong?

Her sentiment was interrupted when she heard a loud clearing of the throat. It was meant to pick someone's attention-and Cha-young looked at the person in front of her.

Yoo Shi-jin.

Yoo Shi-jin cleared his throat again and he smiled when Cha-young looked at him. Cha-young was immediately annoyed. This man in front of her was the cause of her anger, her hatred, her loneliness, her sadne-well, the truth is Yoo Shi-jin was the reason why she's not in a mood for a week. He met the man in a restaurant a week ago; it was raining really hard and she forgot to bring an umbrella. It was already late and she had to go home. Yoo Shi-jin was also in the same restaurant and he offered his umbrella to her. Cha-young immediately accepted his offer but she regretted it afterwards. It was like Yoo Shi-jin had a hidden agenda; she felt like the man was kinda suspicious. And her suspicion was confirmed when Mr. Nam did some background check on the guy; Yoo Shi-jin is the captain of South Korean Special Forces. It seems like he wanted to know something from Cha-young so he decided to approach her and get to know her slowly.

And now, it's already one week after that incident; Yoo Shi-jin keeps on visiting Cha-young in Geumga Plaza. The tenants were also suspicious about the man and they don't like him visiting the Plaza but they can't do anything about it because Yoo Shi-jin was a stubborn man. All they could do was to send glares towards him.

Yoo Shi-jin just answered their glares with a boyish smile. Truth to be told, the tenants can't harm him because he reminds them of someone; a certain someone who taught them how to fight; a certain someone who taught them to stand on their own. Cha-young also told them that they don't need to do anything because she can handle the troublemaker soldier.

Or not.

When Cha-young's attention was on Mr. Nam, Yoo Shi-jin decided to look around. His attention was caught by the postcards on the wall. His forehead creased when he saw that all of the postcards were the same; a picture of an island. Should he take a picture of it? He felt like it was something important so-his gaze turned to Cha-young when he heard her snarling on herself. His lips automatically formed into a smile. Her little sentiment with herself was so funny and he enjoyed watching her being dramatic. He enjoyed annoying her because her facial expressions were so cute. It was a refreshing sight. He cleared his throat in order to get her attention and he did not fail. He smiled boyishly when she looked at him.

"What are you doing here, Mr. Yoo Shi-jin?" Cha-young asked. Yoo Shi-jin looked at her disappointedly and he slightly pouted his lips. It looks like he was sulking. And then, she heard him sigh.

"Cha-young, I thought we're friends already? I'm visiting you for a week and you're still calling me formally," he said.

"If you don't have any business with me, please leave," Cha-young politely said.

Yoo Shi-jin never thought that it's difficult to break Cha-young's wall. He approached her because he was curious about something; he stumbled upon a case that was already closed but it was not solved. It was about the death of the chairman of Babel, a lawyer from Wusang and the CEO of Wusang. After their death, their crime was revealed. The person who killed them was named Mr. V but until now, he's still not found. He was curious because the three people that were killed were known people in the society but it seems like their case was not important. He did some digging and he discovered that the NIS pulled some strings in order for the case to be closed even though the murderer is not yet caught. Someone told him that he should not stick his nose in others ' business but having a little fun and adventure is not bad, is it? He also discovered that Cha-young was involved with Babel and Wusang once. And Yoo Shi-jin is 95% sure that Cha-young knew the person who murdered the three important corrupt figures.

"Do you want to have dinner with me? My treat," he offered.

He was curious about the case but after meeting the person in front of him, he is more curious about her now. He wants to know her more; for him to be enlightened about the case and also to break her unbreakable walls.

Cha-young was speechless. She was shocked and in awe because of how brazen Yoo Shi-jin's attitude is. Sure, this man has a resemblance to a certain man who is currently in Malta right now; enjoying the majestic view of the sea but they have differences in attitude, in presence, in aura; and well a little bit of similarity also. Cha-young put the bunny stick down and she leaned on the table. Yoo Shi-jin was also looking at her, his gaze was steady and he was not blinking. Cha-young smirked.

"Hm. Let's eat something spicy, should we?" she asked.

They stared at each other, unblinking. It looks like they have a secret competition where they have to stare at each other and the first person to blink will lose the game.

Their lips were formed into a small playful smile. A tension was building around them-their only background was the flicking sound of a lighter; it was steady at first but the flicking sound became sloppy as seconds passed by. It seems like the person who's flicking the lighter was nervous and uneasy of what's currently happening.

"Hm. Shall we, Cha-young ah?"

Cha-young gulped. She's annoyed and at the same time nervous. What if someone came in and that someone is-she erased that thought in her mind.

"Sure, Shi-jin-ah. Set the time and day," she answered.

The flicking of the lighter stopped.

The truth is Cha-young already noticed what Yoo Shi-jin is up to. He is looking for Vincenzo Cassano. She noticed him looking multiple times at the post cards and how his forehead creased. He was curious about something or rather, to someone.

Cha-young was bored so why not enjoy and have fun?

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